View of the stack and pit at Mount Morgan's gold mine

Queensland sitting on a gold mine – but ignoring it

While the Queensland Government is busy tilting at windmills and pouring money into “green” energy, it is failing to take advantage of a gold mine in royalties right under its nose. Mount Morgan’s gold mine could pull Queensland and Australia…
Miners barred at the border
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2 days notice to change a workforce

When Queensland's sudden border closure locks out miners and puts Queensland mines in danger of having to close, you've got to wonder if it simply wasn't thought through or if it was a deliberate swipe at the mining industry. If key workers…
Digital privacy
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How your personal info will be exposed   Both major parties, the LNP and the Labor Party, waived through new laws in Queensland Parliament this week that will digitise the personal details, including identification photos and signatures, and…
No mines allowed in Queensland
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Almost a million jobless but no new mines

ALMOST a million Australians are unemployed but the Queensland government can’t rouse itself to fast-track approving the only potential large-scale job creation in Australia: new Queensland mines. Official June figures, released today, show…
Isaac planning scheme
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Isaac planning scheme hijacked by Green Agenda

The Isaac Regional Council is taking final submissions on its new planning scheme (submissions close on 20 July 2020). As the State Member for Mirani, I am making the below submission and I publish it here so you can see what my feedback on…