Rural Fire

Stephen Andrew statement on community funding for rural fire

Community funds state of the art No8 Rural Fire Appliance for our Kunwarara (Aboriginal for “water under the ground”) thanks to all the RFBAQ Officers and to Mayor Andy Ireland and to Swadling Families who will be looking after us with the aid of the great fire fighting and emergency response vehicle.
There were 8 of these appliances delivered through Community funding, to the tune of $1 Million. Running just that little bit short Livingstone Shire Council chipped in to finish the Project, so a big thank you to all our Councillors, Mayor and Staff.
My pledge is to kit this Unit out like I did our Ogmore Unit, with a new Chainsaw with spare everything, so the Teams can swap parts and chains so they can keep running when the chips are down.
Our units will cover a major part of our highway from South of St Lawrence to just below the Caves, let me tell you we are in great hands, with some of the most practical and decent people I know.
These people volunteer their time and to me that commitment is priceless and no hourly rate would suffice and cater for the service and dedication of our volunteers. Thanks to you all for keeping us safe and reassured that we know your there.
Oh and I should mention the solar powered transportable transmission tower. VHF and UHF capabilities that will hold 10 Days no problems. Imagine that on the Range during our bushfires at places like Eungella, Blue Mountains, Carmilla Alton Downs to help frontline and support people.
Aussie vaccine

Stephen Andrew statement on making Aussie vaccine available

Vaxine Pty Ltd, the Australian company behind COVAX-19, have announced outstanding results on completion of its Phase 3 clinical trials in Iran. The vaccine has shown highly successful levels of protection against both the Covid-19 virus and its Delta variant, easily surpassing the WHO and FDA criteria for Covid-19 vaccine approval.
There were also NO deaths or adverse reactions such as thrombosis or myocarditis observed amongst trial participants. So successful were the trials, in fact, that the vaccine has been awarded “market authorisation” by Iran’s FDA, making it the first synthetic spike protein vaccine, anywhere in the world, to achieve market approval – even beating its much larger competitors Sanofi and Novavax. This means the people of Iran can now freely access COVAX-19 under its trade name, Spikogen.
The developers of COVAX-19 want Australians to also be given the option of using their vaccine, but the cost of submitting an application for regulatory approval with Australia’s TGA, could end up totalling $500,000. Without Australian government support or any pre-purchase orders in place, the company simply can’t afford this. It has therefore taken the unusual step of setting up a GoFundMe campaign to try and raise the funds it needs to obtain TGA approval, directly from the Australian public.
Freedom of choice is imperative and right now, Australians are NOT being given any choice when it comes to what type of vaccine they want injected into their bodies.
There are significant differences between the COVAX-19 vaccine and those of Big Pharma:
1. It is the only vaccine completely developed in Australia;
2. It is a protein vaccine, that uses medical technology that is well-established;
3. Contains no graphene nanoparticles or foetal cells; and
4. Is NOT a ‘gene-based’ vaccine like the ones on offer from Pfizer and AstraZeneca.
Anyone out there who believes in “choice” and wants to support a trusted Australian vaccine company, can do so, by donating via the GoFundMe link.
taking a stand

Stephen Andrew statement on Victorian MP taking a stand

Victoria became the first Australian state to ban unvaccinated MPs from entering Parliament last week. The government’s motion ordered all members and staff to prove they have received at least one dose of a vaccine by 15 October, or have an appointment booked before October 22. Any member who failed to comply would be prevented from entering parliament, and their security access revoked.
The motion passed the lower house on Thursday morning, after all Labor and Green members voted in support of the government, as did all but one Liberal Party member – the lone dissenter being the courageous Member for Forest Hill, Neil Angus.
Mr Angus, delivered a moving and emotional speech to Parliament on the Motion (link below), saying Victoria was racing “towards a totalitarian regime”:
“The result of the Premier’s announcement on 1 October this year is that medical apartheid will be commencing in Victoria in a few days time”, Mr Angus said. “Victoria will be a two-class society”.
Great leaders, the MP said, bring “people together and unites them. They don’t divide people … they do not shame people, blame people and pit one person against another. Here in Victoria, we have never seen a more divided and broken society”.
Mr Angus said people in Victoria were now living “in fear of the police and authorities, in fear of having or sharing a point of view different to the government’s, in fear of segregation and in fear of others, even friends and neighbours”.
The motion also passed the upper house, after a spirited debate in which the Liberal Democrat MPs, David Limbrick and Tim Quilty, staunchly opposed the motion.
Mr Limbrick called it a “disgrace”.
Both he and Mr Quilty have refused to hand over their medical details, despite being fully vaccinated.
“We think it is a terrible precedent that bureaucrats can decide what medical procedures you need to be a Democratic representative.”
Quilty said the motion violated hundreds of years of parliamentary law.
“The government has exceeded its reach and the whole use of emergency powers has gone too far” Quilty said.
“They have gained massive trust with these forces, but they have broken that trust.”
The pair will be expelled from Parliament, along with Mr Angus, this Friday.
Link to Neil Angus’ historic speech is here:
Medical apartheid

Stephen Andrew statement on medical apartheid

Premier Palaszczuk said today that the government would be offering incentives (bribes) to businesses in Queensland, aimed at getting them to exclude “the unvaccinated” from their shops and offices. For morally bankrupt statements from a State Premier, that one takes some beating.
The planned “re-opening” of Queensland on 17 December is being universally hailed as a return to freedom for “the vaccinated”, but I have my doubts. I suspect the real reason for this so-called ‘freedom day’ on 17 December, is not about “opening back up” as it is being sold, so much as it is about applying the psychological thumbscrews to those Queenslanders who remain stubbornly unvaccinated.
Right now, there appears to be no punishment too great, no law too outrageous, no policy too severe, when it comes to punishing “the unvaccinated” in Australia. Across the country, our political and elite classes have ripped off the mask to reveal there is absolutely no limit or boundary they won’t cross, when it comes to punishing those who WILL NOT COMPLY. Because despite the furious denials issuing from the lips of our leadership, there really is NO other way to describe what is going on, OTHER than the roll-out of a Medical Apartheid dictatorship.
That anyone seriously tries to refute something so ‘bleeding obvious’, just shows how far from reality, (and decency), many of them have now drifted.
Last Friday, a million workers in Victoria were forced to prove to their government they’d received at least one jab or lose their job. Employers who might have taken pity on unvaccinated employees, were threatened with fines of $100,000 if they did!
In NSW, meanwhile, “unvaccinated” citizens of the State cannot:
– Go to church;
– Visit another person’s house;
– Play sport or exercise with more than one person, other than their own household;
– Visit a gym or indoor recreation facility;
– Do anything with more than one person;
– Attend an OUTSIDE event;
– Visit a hairdresser or beauty salon;
– Go to a restaurant or cafe;
– Attend an entertainment facility;
– Travel in a car with anyone other than those they live with;
– Go anywhere outside their local government area.
The Northern Territory Chief Minister also turned raging dictator this week, mandating jabs for the Territory’s workers by 13 November 2021, or they wouldn’t “be permitted to attend their workplace” – don’t you love the euphemisms these autocrats use? To add insult to injury, workers who don’t comply will be hit with $5,000 fines on top of losing their jobs.
On an even more sinister note, Chief Minister Gunner said regular booster shots will be included in the Mandate when they become available in 2022.
Shades of the NSW Chief Health Officer, Kerry Chant, telling us last month, that Australians should start getting used to having vaccinations – for the REST OF THEIR LIVES!
Segregation in Queensland

Stephen Andrew statement on Segregation in Queensland

Those who believe that the “segregation” of legally designated outgroups in Australia, could NEVER happen, clearly know nothing of history. Because it already has – on a number of occasions in fact. Australian South Sea Islanders were subjected to great suffering, hardship and adversity for most of the twentieth century, due to discriminatory laws passed on the State and Federal level.
The laws relegated them to ‘second class’ status and legally prevented them from enjoying any of the same rights and freedoms as other Australians. In 1902, they became the only victims of a mass deportation order in Australia’s history. Between 1904 and 1909, almost 10,000 of them were torn from their homes and families and forcibly deported to islands few could remember. Those who remained, did so on sufferance, and ongoing discrimination by law.
Until 1967 they were banned from:
1. Voting;
2. Buying alcohol;
3. Taking out loans;
4. Opening a savings account;
5. Buying or renting a house;
6. Leasing a business; or
7. Owning land.
Their movements were restricted and many were forced to live in shanties and camps erected in the bush, or along riverbanks. Then there were the regular ‘scare’ stories in the press, linking ‘Kanakas’ to outbreaks of disease and influenza. It was a time when anyone with a black skin was considered as less than human, and few people spoke out on their behalf.
Worst of all, they were legally prevented from working in agriculture, the only industry they knew. If they tried to work elsewhere, trade unions picketed the businesses that employed them. Any farmers who took pity on them and gave them labouring or gardening work, they were reported to authorities and prosecuted.
Long after ‘Kanakas’ ceased to be a threat to white workers, unions refused their union membership applications, preventing them from being employed in jobs covered by industrial awards. It wasn’t until 1964, that the prohibition of ‘black’ labour in the agricultural industry was finally abolished.
In 1991, the Call for Recognition reported on the plight of the South Sea Islanders, and recommended special measures be introduced to help right some of the many wrongs of the past. To this day, the recommendations contained in this report have not been actioned by any government in Australia, State or Federal.
Peter Costello

Stephen Andrew statement on The Curious Case of Peter Costello

The role that ‘conflicts of interest’ can play in government decision-making is rarely discussed and increasingly difficult to detect. It usually involves cozy, mutually beneficial ‘quid pro quo’ relationships between high-level bureaucrats, politicians, foundations, media and wealthy vested interests in the corporate sector.
Today, those ‘wealthy vested interests’ are just as likely to be a giant medical or biotech company, or members of the highly ‘corporatised’ university sector that gobbles up billions in research monies each year, while making trillions in profits from intellectual property rights. All are financially intertwined with Big Tech, Big Data, Big Government and Big Media – all of which make up Australia’s ‘Bio Industrial Complex’.
Here is just one example illustrating the many conflicts of interest and concentration of power amongst Australia’s government/corporate/media elites. Peter Costello was the Treasurer under John Howard for many years. Today he is the Chair of the Commonwealth Government’s largest financial asset – the Commonwealth Government’s Future Fund.
The Fund has around $246 billion invested in various global companies. Its top investments include all the ‘Big Pharma’ names, like CSL, Pfizer, GSK, Johnson & Johnson and Merck. It holds shares of $1.064 billion in CSL, $270.4 million in Roche, $246 million in Johnson and Johnson, $188 million in Pfizer, $153 million in Novartis and over $144 million in Merck.
The Fund also invests heavily in ‘Big Tech’ with shares of $700 million in Apple, $656 million in Microsoft, $606 million in Tencent, $494 million in Alphabet (Google) and $308 million in Facebook.
Interestingly, Mr Costello is also the current Chair of another wealthy and powerful organisation in Australia, the giant media monopoly, Nine Entertainment Holdings. In addition to the Channel Nine multi-channel network, NEH owns Stan, Wide World of Sports and many of Australia’s best-known news outlets, including Sydney Morning Herald, Melbourne Age, Brisbane Times, WA Today and the Australian Financial Review. It owns a string of radio stations across the country and a stable of Lifestyle magazines covering everything from food to financial advice.
So, basically, we have two enormously powerful organisations within Australia, one with connections to the government’s billion-dollar investments in Big Pharma and Big Tech, and the other, a giant monopoly provider of Australia’s news and information. All seemingly under the influence and control of one person, ex-Treasurer, Peter Costello.
I am not saying that one hand could be influencing the other here – just pointing out how tightly controlled Australia is at the top, and how riddled with ‘conflict of interest’ issues, which someone really needs to get to the bottom of – and soon.