Letter to the Premier

Stephen Andrew letter to Premier says mandates threaten rights

Fear and scapegoating have always been the means with which tyrants have exercised power and control over their people. From Robespierre and his COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY during the French Revolution, it has been a trusted strategy that we have seen played out many times over the centuries. It works the same in any country, and it is working that way today in ours.
Vaccine mandates are not just discriminatory, they are profoundly dangerous. They threaten the rights and freedoms of ALL Australians, not just the unvaccinated ones. We must resist the governments and corporations who are aggressively driving this agenda. They will not rest until the well-established principle, that a ‘free person’ is one who, at the barest minimum, owns the rights to his or her own body, has been reversed – permanently. This was a cornerstone of Roman law and modern Western jurisprudence.
A mark of ownership of a master over his slave was not the ‘brand’ or ‘mark’ he was forced to bear, but rather the act of FORCING him to bear that ‘mark’. If vaccine mandates, of any kind, are allowed to stand in this State and Country, it will be ‘game over’ as far as our individual rights and freedoms are concerned. Because, despite what many would like to believe, the government has no intention of handing any of our lost freedoms back – no matter how many restrictions, mandates or ‘jabs’ we are willing to accept.
As former Lord Chief Justice, Jonathan Sumption put it last year:
“The public has not even begun to understand the seriousness of what is happening in this country, many .. perhaps most .. of them don’t care or won’t care until it’s too late”.
Folks, it’s nearly too late …
Please read my letter to the Premier of Queensland on this issue, which I believe is the most important letter I have ever written as a State Parliamentarian:
Letter to Premier
Letter to Premier
Letter to Premier
Letter to Premier
medical segregation

Stephen Andrew statement on medical segregation

Well it’s started, just as many predicted as far back as February 2020. Two big players in Queensland’s private sector economy, Deloitte and Suncorp, have sent emails to all their staff, telling them that from 1 January 2022, vaccination will be mandatory for ALL employees, including delivery drivers, contractors, consultants, and anyone else wishing to access their premises.
In what looks to be the State’s first two test cases for workers not directly involved in the frontline or service sectors, the two multi-national giant corporations’ announced exclusionary workplace policies this week, that will send shockwaves around the state. If allowed to stand, the decision of these two mega-wealthy companies could see medical segregation in the workplace become the norm for Queensland – permanently.
The two, one a member of the ‘Big Four’ global accountancy firms, and the other a billion-dollar bank, have told their workers, they will be banned from coming to work and from attending work events unless they can provide bosses with proof they are “fully vaccinated” – whether this will include quarterly booster shots as well is not clear.
Deloitte reportedly told workers that following discussions with other members of the “Big Four”, the policy was agreed on, although only Deloitte have announced it publicly. Deloitte also hilariously told its workers in their email, that the company remains committed to the principle of workplace “inclusion”, so at this stage, they are not planning to actually sack workers who don’t comply – just EXCLUDE them from the workplace!
This exclusion and segregation of workers from their workplaces and fellow workmates, forcing them to stay cooped up at home and alone, is truly abhorrent. Numerous studies have shown that human interaction and peer bonding are vital for people’s mental health and self-esteem, especially when it comes to young people.
The mental health bill for all these crimes being committed in the name of “public health”, will be catastrophic – far outstripping that of C***d.
Anyone who cares about the well-being of their fellow Queenslanders, and who has accounts or does business with these two companies, should let them know in no uncertain terms that policies of hate and vilification have no place in this State.
They are reprehensible and should be strongly condemned by the whole community.
police sackings

Stephen Andrew statement on police sackings

1200 Queensland Police Officers have been suspended with a measly 7 days’ pay for refusing to comply with Chief Health Officer Young’s Order that they be jabbed. Out of 12,000 police officers and 5000 support staff, a staggering 33% of the force said ‘We do not consent’. That means ONE-THIRD of the State’s Police Force will now be “purged” from QPS.
Qld Police Commissioner, Katarina Carroll, said she didn’t see a problem, however, as she doubled down hard on her ruthless stance. She told Seven, “we’ve done the math on this”, and while the next 2 or 3 months might be “challenging”, losing 33% of the State’s Police Force will be “manageable”.
“Manageable”? Is she kidding? Seems not. Carroll told Seven News she had it covered. Her solution is to “shift police around the state”, “increase overtime” and make “officers work extra shifts”.
Police Minister, Mark Ryan, was just as unphased, saying government would just “fast-track” the graduation of new recruits to ‘cover the cracks’. So basically, a bunch of fresh-faced newbies will be brought in and tossed into the deep end, all to save the government and commissioner’s hide.
The icing on the cake, though, were hints by Channel 7, that the army could be brought in to ‘bridge the gap’. Channel 7 reminded viewers how soldiers were brought in four weeks ago to police the Qld border, after Jeannette Young ordered border police to get jabbed, and not enough complied – leaving the border under-manned. Great, so not only do we have armed soldiers policing our borders, we many now have them policing our streets as well.
‘No jab, no Job’ policies are Orwellian and an embarrassment in a country that still describes itself as “free and democratic”. There is absolutely nothing ‘voluntary’ or ‘ethical’ about this policy. It amounts to ‘coercive control’ by the State against powerless citizens. Now we are seeing the human cost of it all with 1,200 good men and women, hailed as heroes last year, now ‘kicked to the kerbside’ like so much rubbish.
Do any of our elites care? Not on your life.
As Commissioner Carroll said yesterday:
Great Shipping Reset

Stephen Andrew statement on IMO 2020 and the Great Shipping Reset

In California, there are now a record-breaking 65 cargo ships anchored off the state’s two biggest ports, awaiting entry. Many have been there for weeks. Similar scenes are being played out at key ports around the world as the global supply chain slowly disintegrates. What is going on?
The most popular explanations given, include covid-restrictions, crew-change problems and a worldwide shortage of containers. Then there are the driver shortages, hurricanes, industrial disputes, port inefficiencies, price-gouging and an ‘online spending frenzy’ – take your pick.
What is never mentioned, however, is IMO 2020, the UN’s new ‘climate change’ regulation, which took effect on 1 January 2020. IMO 2020 was a new regulatory system intended to lay the groundwork for a ‘phase in’ of carbon taxing ships by 2023, and the transition to ‘net zero shipping’ by 2050.
The new regulation banned ships from using the old, cheap ‘bunker fuel’ and forced them to either use much more expensive fuels or install space-wasting ‘scrubber’ technology on their ships. Both options came with huge operational costs for carriers.
IMO 2020 also imposed more onerous port inspection and reporting obligations, which many feared would lead to congestion, delays and blank sailings.
According to Maersk, 60% of a carrier’s costs are FUEL.
Any transition away from cheap fuel, therefore, was always going to cause shipping costs to skyrocket, and then ripple its way down the supply chain. It is odd, therefore, that not a single shipping expert even refers to IMO 2020 when discussing the current crisis. I mean it was ALL anyone in the industry could talk about in 2019!
Goldman Sachs, meanwhile, estimated that the total impact of IMO 2020 to “consumer wallets could be around $US240 billion”. Others warned that ships would start “slow steaming” to offset fuel costs, especially on longer routes – IN FACT THE WORLD’S CLIMATE CHANGE ZEALOTS SAID THEY WERE COUNTING ON IT.
But something else happened in January 2020, that served to completely mask the impacts of IMO 2020 –Covid-19. Once oil prices and cargo flows started to recover, however, suddenly we were seeing sky-high freight rates, port congestion and shipping delays. Everything, in fact, that the experts had predicted would happen once IMO 2020 took effect. And yet, weirdly, all that is now forgotten.
Are they worried that if they mention it, people might get the ‘crazy’ idea that maybe -just maybe – it wasn’t Covid, hurricanes or lost containers that crippled the global shipping industry, but rather the world’s governing elites themselves?
zero freedom

Steven Andrew statement on Zero Freedom

‘Zero COVID’ equals ‘zero freedom” for the unvaccinated. From October 11, the “unvaccinated” will be jailed if they try to enter venues in New South Wales.
The NSW Premier announced earlier this week, (thankfully she has now stepped down) that a new Public Health order will come into effect on 11 October, that introduces some of the most draconian and divisive laws ever seen, anywhere, as “the unvaccinated” are stripped of pretty much all of their freedoms and rights.
They will not be able to go to pubs, eat at restaurants, attend outdoor gatherings, weddings, funerals or even take part in church services. They will be banned from going to any theatres, hair salons, gyms, indoor or outdoor sporting facilities, and much much more. Any unvaccinated people who do try to illegally enter any of these venues, will face police charges and prison time, according to the NSW Customer Service Minister, Victor Dominello.
Minister Dominello, who was struck with Bell’s Palsy after receiving his first jab, and who is currently in charge of NSW’s vaccine roll-out, told the ABC:
“If people want to do the wrong thing, and they get found out, as I said, it could be jail time there”. (As the Premier does a Runner)
The Minister’s office later released a statement restated the warning, saying:
“Businesses and customers have a shared responsibility to comply with the rules and keep the public safe. People who create and use fake vaccine certificates will face the full force of the law and could face jail time”.
Mr Dominello also told Nine’s Today show this week that if “the unvaccinated” try to enter shops, restaurants or other venues in the state, other citizens and business owners must immediately report them to the police.
The “unvaccinated” in regional areas, who are currently not under the same restrictions as metropolitan areas, will also lose most of their freedoms.
Former Deputy Premier (Now acting Premier) John Barilaro said: “there will be individuals in regional and rural New South Wales who choose not to be vaccinated who will lose their freedoms on the 11th of October.”
Obviously nothing to see here?? MUCH
No Jab, No Job

Stephen Andrew statement on challenge to No Jab, No Job mandate

Two cases were heard in the Queensland Supreme Court this week, which have been lodged on behalf of the State’s unvaccinated frontline workers. Queensland Police and healthcare workers, under direct threat of losing their jobs and livelihoods, are alleging “improper exercise of power” by the Queensland Government.
Many have young children and say that any refusal by them to accept the government’s ultimatum, will come at an enormous financial cost to themselves and their families. Both cases are being handled by the same law firm and barrister, after numerous Brisbane law firms shamefully refused to take their cases. The groups say jab mandates strip them of their right to natural justice, and breach countless Qld and Federal laws around human rights and anti-discrimination.
Qld Police have until this Monday to receive their first dose, despite the fact that all the “vaccines” are still in their experimental Phase 3 trial periods. The deadline for Queensland Health staff working in hospitals, expired last night.
Justice David Boddice, who made a number of seemingly antagonistic comments during the hearing, refused the groups’ request for a 90 day stay, saying the cases needed to be dealt with as soon as possible. He granted a 12 day stay instead.
The Judge also rejected the groups’ request that “the expert evidence relied upon by decision-makers be disclosed”, saying: “This is not a merits review — you won’t be getting it”.
A GoFundMe page set up for the police workers case has received many donations from other police officers, both serving and retired. The group has posted a statement on the page, saying health mandates are inconsistent with “workplace rights” and “infringe upon our rights to freedom and informed consent to a medical procedure”.
“Our country has a representative democratic government structured to afford its citizens legal protection against the exercise of arbitrary political power.”
“Even if you are not a QPS employee or family member, this affects you” .
“We believe acquiescence with a vaccine mandate will set a dangerous precedent for our country”.
“Today, it is a vaccine. Today, it is us on the line”.
“WHAT will it be tomorrow? WHO will it be tomorrow?”
Qld’s Police Commissioner said an investigation had been launched into whether police who donated to the campaign, could be charged with “police misconduct”.