QR code mandate

The sector-wide “QR Code” surveillance grid will roll out across Queensland in the next few hours, like a thief in the night,” according to Mirani MP Stephen Andrew. From 1am on 9 July, Queenslanders must log in electronically or scan a QR code before they can set foot into a greatly expanded range of venues, buildings, and businesses across the State.

“The QR codes Directive, will now cover virtually every area of human activity in Queensland. It will soak up huge swathes of data to do with Queenslanders’ working, eating, shopping, holidaying and socialising lives. It will determine whether they get to watch a movie, see a play or work out the gym. All sorts of highly sensitive information concerning your day-to-day activities, routines, habits and behaviour will be collected, including intensely private details around the medical services you use, the social and political clubs you belong to and the church, temple or synagogue you attend. It will record how often you go to the bottle shop, gun dealer, pawn broker, union meeting or massage parlour … the list of previously private information about your life that will now be ‘knowable’, is practically unlimited. It remains to be seen whether authorities will be able to resist the massive temptation of accessing this rich data reservoir,” Stephen Andrew said.

Mr Andrew said he had already heard that Queensland Police had accessed it for their investigations.

“But what about all the other ‘stakeholder’ groups who will be desperate to get their hands on it –banks, credit card, insurance companies, ATO, family court lawyers, political think tanks, NGOs, to name just a few. Many experts also see the dangers of an increasing tendency for people to ‘self-impose’ restrictions on their own movements and activities over time. As a ‘self-policing’ tool, the QR code offers untold benefits for government looking to change or modify their citizens behaviour and activities.

“Whether this behaviour or activities are perfectly lawful and legitimate ones, won’t matter. People are going to think very carefully about where they go, what they do and who they associate with from this point on. Those who previously might have joined a farmers’ protest or anti-abortion group, will think twice before they do so again. The chilling effect this could have on our society and people’s way of life is alarming.

“From 1am tomorrow, the way Queenslanders live and interact with each other is going to change in many subtle and unexpected ways. It will have happened through the issuing of a simple health ‘directive’, or decree, with no parliamentary scrutiny, no public discussion or debate and no legislation passed. If you are as worried as I am about where things are headed in Queensland, please help by encouraging as many people as possible to sign our petition. We need to send as powerful a message as possible to Parliament before it is too late.”

Sign the petition here.

Restore democracy
Stephen Andrew, Member for Mirani, has invited everybody to sign his petition calling on Parliament to Restore Democracy in Queensland. Below is his statement and at the bottom of the post is a link to the petition.
It is time for executive government to step away from the overuse of emergency powers, mandates and measures, which are starting to cause deep divisions within society, ongoing economic hardship and widespread feelings of unhappiness and social isolation. Many of the more restrictive directives and mandates are now disproportionate to the risk and pose a significant danger to the democratic principles and rights enshrined in our State’s Constitution and common law heritage.
Extending the emergency powers again and again, on the basis of ‘necessity’ or ‘expediency’, also sets a dangerous precedent for the future – one which it may be difficult, if not impossible, to reverse. Governments now have a template for executive action which, if unchallenged, will encourage them to use again and again in responding to other problems in the future. The ‘necessity’ of dealing with ‘climate change’ or ‘hate speech’ for example.
Both problems are increasingly spoken of by political and community leaders, as posing a threat to national security. Increasingly, we are hearing calls, both internationally and here in Australia, for ‘climate lockdowns’ and a declared ‘state of emergency’ to enable government to deal ‘efficiently’ with environmental threats and risks.
That’s why the people must draw a line in the sand now and end the overuse of emergency powers and measures in Queensland. Otherwise, they will inevitably become normalised over time, and eventually permanent. We need new legislation that provides for a managed reduction of the Executive’s power, so that it is equipped to deal with the current situation in a more targeted, minimalist way.
We must start, responsibly, to re-open our economy, restore human rights and liberties and rebuild the public’s trust in government. It is time to restore balance and accountability to the policy-making process in Queensland.
This is a Petition to Keep Democracy Alive in Queensland!
Please sign the petition using link below, and share widely. Your support is much appreciated!
foreign worker sought

Stephen Andrew has issued a comment on the Queensland government seeking a foreign worker to replace the chief health officer:

So much for locals! Now I’m starting to see why backpacker labourers were used to build our solar farms. Looking for the no-history-attached model that can be moulded maybe?

Despite calls from the Queensland Premier to reduce the intake of Australians returning home from overseas, the Queensland government has sourced a recruitment agency to search worldwide for the Chief Health Officer’s replacement.
Is this the Premier’s way of suggesting Australian doctors and medical specialists aren’t up to the job?

Motorcycle Beach Races

“They were ringing the necks off the bikes at the Motorcycle Beach Races today,” according to State Member for Mirani, Stephen Andrew. “This is hands down one of the best events I sponsor, super day, well done John and Anne Hand, Desley Steven’s, Sarina Surf Lifesaving Club and the host of volunteers and sponsors. 110% total success of a Day,” he said.

The Motorcycle Beach Races, with more than 90 years of history at Grasstree Beach, included markets, jumping castles and face painting too! The races are the only competitive modern beach motorcycle racing of its kind in Australia.

vaccine passports
Stephen Andrew: Vaccine passports coming soon, controlling where you go, what you can do & much more
Earlier this month, hundreds of thousands of Australians were told they could now access their brand-new digital coronavirus-vaccination-certificates, which are basically vaccine passports.
The certificates have a fancy coat of arms hologram on them, and include the person’s name, date of birth, and a green tick declaring the bearer of the certificate has been-vaccinated.
Government Services Minister, Linda Reynolds, said the new record would make it simple and easy for people to now show their vaccination-status when asked.
Don’t be fooled. This seemingly slow and piecemeal approach, hides a carefully laid out strategy to advance the eventual roll-out of a fully-fledged “vaccine-passport” system in Australia, as quietly and unobtrusively as possible.
Despite the best efforts of the Government’s team of behavioural ‘nudge’ strategists, however, there can be no mistaking where things are heading in Australia.
According to US critic, Naomi Wolf, the passport issue is the “hill we all need to die on”. Last month, she told Fox News:
“I am not overstating this. I can’t say it forcefully enough. This is literally the end of human liberty in the West if this plan unfolds as planned. Vaccine passports sound like a fine thing, if you don’t understand what these platforms can do …
“It’s not about the vaccine. It’s not about the virus. It’s about your data. And once this rolls out you will no longer have a choice about being part of the system”.
“What people have to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all. What that means is that it can be merged with your Paypal account, your digital currency, tax records …Microsoft is already talking about merging it with payment plans.”
“Your networks can be sucked up. It geolocates you wherever you go. Your credit history can be included. All of your medical history is included.”
In other words, it provides the perfect platform for a Chinese-style ‘social credit’ system in Australia, and you better believe that’s what the government will use it for.
The heavy-handed propaganda we are seeing in the media that links these “passports” with a return to “freedom” has – like Orwell’s inverted “freedom is slavery” – all the twisted logic of doublespeak.
If this system allows access, it can just as easily be reversed. Think on that.

Stephen Andrew statement on legislation

If passed, the Public Health and Other Legislation (Further Extension of Expiring Provisions) Amendment Bill 2021, will take Queensland’s rolling state of emergency into its third year.
Under the State’s Covid-19 Emergency legislation framework, these emergency powers bestow enormous legislative and executive decision-making powers in the hands of a few, with no oversight, public debate or parliamentary scrutiny. They must be held accountable.
Without any clearly defined exit strategy, there is also a real danger that the Government’s use of these emergency powers and measures, will become normalised over time and eventually, permanent.
Under the ‘rule of law’ model this country was founded on, any exercise of the Executive’s regulation-making powers must be proportionate and reasonable, and strictly ‘time limited’.

Accountable for strategy

Maintaining an infection eradication strategy in Queensland – something that was never mentioned or discussed in the beginning – risks a future of economic impoverishment, endless snap lockdowns, disruptive travel restrictions, panic buying, rationing and routine draconian punishments for citizens exercising their democratic rights and freedoms.
Queenslanders are now effectively being ruled by Executive Decree, with absolute power vested in an unaccountable Executive, and none of the usual ‘checks and balances’ essential to a functioning democracy.
That’s why I have decided to draft a Parliamentary Petition against the Bill, requesting Parliament to oppose it and prepare new legislation that better safeguards our system of government and the people’s rights and freedoms.
I will post the link to the Petition, all things goin well today and hopefully we can get as many people as possible to sign it.
The more people that sign it, the more Government will be forced to listen.