A number of countries worldwide, are saying their population could be facing severe food shortages and widespread hunger by the end of 2022.

Others are slapping export bans on fertilisers, fuel and food staples like wheat, potatoes and edible oil – all of which are in critically short supply.

In just the last few hours, there are reports of mass food recalls of peanut butter and hazelnut truffles in the US, along with many other foods containing those products.

Earlier today, the FDA also issued a massive recall of Smithfield’s bacon and around 185,610 pounds of RTE bacon – that’s over 90 tons of bacon products.

These moves follow a mass poultry cull and a rash of fires and explosions that have destroyed food processing plants and storage facilities across the US.

Even mainstream news outlets like Fox have started asking questions about the “odd string of coincidences” that have helped cripple the nation’s food supply.

As Tucker Carlson pointed out, over the past 6 months, there have been 17 incidents of fires and explosions, including two plane crashes – one into a  food processing plant and the other, a food storage facility.

Of course, mainstream news outlets like CNN have trotted out a conga-line of “experts” to explain to the silly ‘deplorables’ how all these were just “random occurrences”.

Whatever.  The fact remains that the world’s food situation is starting to look pretty dire.

I think it’s time the people started creating their own distributed food systems – so that we are not 100% reliant on those holding centralised control over our access to food.

Here in Queensland, we live in one of the most fertile regions in the country.  Absolutely anyone can grow anything.

I’ve already started mine.

Basil, coriander, garlic, parsley, chives, tomato, beans, beetroot, cabbage, cauliflower, potato, celery, cucumber, melons, lettuce, pumpkin and zucchini.

That’s just for starters.

We also need community gardens, aquaponics, rabbits, goats, chickens, ducks, quail, mushrooms, soil husbandry, dry farming and urban coops.

State and local authorities need to remove any restrictive regulations around home or community grown food production, to allow this to happen.

Churchill called them ‘Victory Gardens’.

I’m just saying, ‘Let’s Trust the Plant!


Victoria’s farmers and other property owners are targeted under provisions of a dangerous new Bill that was debated in the State Legislature this week.

Called the ‘Agriculture Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, the Bill has bipartisan support from both Labor and Liberal MPs, despite the incredibly dangerous precedent it sets for Victorian farmers’ property rights.

It is all being done under the guise of ‘Biosecurity’.

The mainstream media has been preparing the way with endless ‘scare’ stories around various biosecurity threats in the State – the dangers of which are all very real, but which nobody in the media gave a damn about before.

But what the media, and the government, knows, is that anything that even pretends to address ‘biosecurity’ issues, is going to be a sure-fire vote-winner in the regions.

The Bill exploits this, but is a ‘Trojan horse’ for another agenda altogether.

One that will be far less beneficial for farmers and one, which they may not be fully aware of yet.

When you boil everything down, the State’s new Agriculture Bill basically gives the Government complete power and unfettered control over all forms of food production in Victoria.

Its agents will be invested with enormous powers allowing them to show up and enter any farm without notice or warrant.

They can do so whether you are there or not, and don’t even need to advise you of it afterwards.

Agents also don’t have to provide identification if requested to do so. The Bill specifically removes that right.

They can take samples from your property, remove plants or seize livestock – even kill them.

Other provisions include Beekeepers being forced to become ‘registered’, while all bees must be implanted with tiny micro-chips so they can be tracked.

Market meat vendors must become ‘accredited’, something that involves huge upfront and ongoing costs as well total loss of autonomy and control.

The Bill is a clear threat to Food Security in Australia, particularly when viewed in the context of global food shortages, which we are told are just around the corner.

Anyone who thinks I’m exaggerating the danger should take a look at yesterday’s news out of Northern Ireland.

Sheep farmers have been told that a million sheep must be culled in order to meet their government’s internationally-set emissions target.

There are also massive concerns around property rights generally.

There is nothing in the Bill’s wording restricting its new powers to farms.

This means government agents – let’s call them the Ag-Stasi – can also enter private homes, seize their pets – even kill them – and destroy homeowners’ vegetables gardens and fruit trees.

Exactly as is happening right now in China.