Under the guise of saving nature, the Albanese government has signed Australia up to one of the biggest land grabs in history.

Dubbed 30 by 30, the goal is to set aside 30 percent of Australia’s land mass within a National Reserve System by 2030.

And thirty percent is just the beginning. 

30 by 30 grew out of a thesis by the eugenicist Dr Edward O Wilson of Harvard University, who maintained that humans should occupy no more than one half of the earth – and not the best half either.

His mantra was “Nature needs half”.

The ultimate goal, therefore, is to lock away 50 percent of the earth by 2050.

For decades, Australian governments have pursued policies harmful to agriculture and a productive economy.

30 by 30 will take this to the next level.

Setting aside that much land and water for conservation will ultimately destroy food production and regional economies.

It will mean a massive expansion of national parks, marine exclusion zones, wildlife refuges, wilderness areas, conservation easements, rural road and stock route closures and Indigenous Protected Areas.

Eventually, all human activity will simply be removed from these areas, including stock grazing, mining, timber production and all forms of recreational and Indigenous land use.

That’s something seldom mentioned.  Indigenous land use.

For 30 by 30 to work, the government will need Australia’s Traditional Land-owners to surrender all rights to access and use of the land held in their name.

This dispossession of Indigenous rights has been hidden behind endless platitudes about “treaties”, “conservation management agreements” and letting them “have a say” in what is happening, but the sub-text is clear.

30 by 30’s goal will restrict ALL human access to the land and waterways – and not just ‘whitey’.

That’s why Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, more than anyone else, should be raising hell about 30 by 30.

All the platitudes, treaties and ‘compensations’ in the world, will be nothing beside the permanent loss of their sovereign right to roam over and use the land itself.

The roots of 30 by 30 lie in a radical green agenda called the “Wildlands Project”, from the 1990s.

The Project’s goal is to move humans into highly controlled, and restrictive ‘human settlement zones’, leaving most of the continent off limits.

It’s a ‘bait and switch’ aimed at removing people’s private property rights and placing control in the hands of an elite band of unelected technocrats, NGOs and their billionaire sugar daddies.

All done by stealth using the old Fabian tactic of ‘step-change’.

Once 2030 rolls around, much harsher ‘targets’ will be set for 2040 and 2050.

Each benchmark geared towards gently easing the human race into perpetual serfdom.


Victorian Premier Dan Andrews is proposing to roll out more draconian rules and penalties aimed at restricting people’s ability to use and enjoy more than 50 parks across the state.

Changes include hefty fines of $924 for anyone “walking off a park trail”, or swimming in a “non-designated” area.

Those caught conducting “intrusive research” as part of a scientific study, will be hit with a whopping $1,472 fine.  “Intrusive research”, incidentally, is defined as anything that “interferes with wildlife, soil, rocks, vegetation or visitors” – so basically anything.

There are also fines for anyone who parks on, removes, or defaces rocks, plants and/or trees in park or forest areas.

The changes, still at the “consultation process” stage, are due to be rolled out before the election on November 26.

Victoria currently has 70,000 hectares of bushland under immediate threat of being locked away.  There are proposals to lock away a further 1 MILLION Hectares of public land after that.

Stock grazing, firewood collection, horse riding, trail bike riding, prospecting, dog walking and fishing are just some of the many activities banned in national parks.

This huge land grab by the Victorian government and the proposed new rules are being carried out under the guise of “protecting the ecology and bringing tourists to an area”.


Because tourists love visiting parks where there are locked gates, 24/7 CCTV surveillance cameras, heavy restrictions on use, stringent permit requirements, fees, limited camping opportunities and massive financial penalties for anyone who puts a foot wrong.

Not to mention rampant feral pest problems and a massive fire risk, all caused by increased fuel loads and hopeless city-based land management.

Victoria’s rural towns, farmers, businesses, communities and families are the ones who will suffer the most from all this.

But ultimately, we ALL suffer.

How many hectares of land, forests and parks need to be locked up before the Greens consider it enough?

Five minutes spent reading the UN’s Agenda 2030 drivel tells the tale.

All of it!

These fanatics have no intention of stopping until they have driven every last human off the land for good.

Victorians need to fight this.

Any rural, regional and agricultural bodies who won’t, must be replaced by ones who will.

Ones who are INDEPENDENT of government, its money, favours and – most of all – its blasted “roundtables”.
