Throughout history, “Divida et Impera” (Divide and Conquer) was the ‘go to’ tactic for all rulers seeking to suppress popular dissent and maintain the status quo.

Governments today are no different.

At any sign of social unrest, it is wheeled out and used to break down all sense of cohesion or unity amongst the populace, preventing them from making ‘common cause’ against the established order.

The people will only triumph if they stick together.

Or, as Ben Franklin once said:

“We must all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”

New Zealanders just learnt the hard way why ‘Going Cashless’ is a terrible idea


New Zealanders were left unable to pay for vital supplies, like food and water, after cash machines and digital payment systems were knocked out last week by Cyclone Gabrielle.

More than 225,000 households lost all power for several days, while some areas still had no connection 10 days later.

As has happened here in Australia, New Zealand’s banks have been deserting towns in droves the last few years, their services replaced by ATM machines that rely on electricity and the internet to work.

Which is fine when the grid is up and running I suppose, but what about when it’s not?

Even the Acting Reserve Bank of New Zealand Governor, Karen Silk, was forced to admit:

“What it is showing is the importance physical cash still has today”.

“Finding options for cash recycling within communities is obviously important, and it’s been highlighted again in this situation”.

It amazes me that so many politicians and bureaucrats seem happy to bang on and on about ‘building resilience’, while doing everything they possibly can to make people as vulnerable and dependent as possible.

Why, for example, did they get rid of the old landline phones?

They didn’t need electricity or wifi to work, which meant you could use them even when the power went out?

It’s the same story with combustion engine cars, oil heaters and gas stoves/hot water systems.

All can be used without electricity, and all are on the chopping block due to NetZero madness.

They are building a world that is going to be 100 percent dependent on electricity.

There will be NO backups and NO alternatives when the grid goes down (or the government restricts supply!).

How exactly is that ‘building resilience’?

Cash is the most resilient payment system in the world, hands down. 

It doesn’t need either electricity or the internet to work.

More importantly, with cash, ‘Big Brother’ can’t track you or control how you spend your money.

As long as there is cash, things like ‘surveillance capitalism’, social impact investing (turning humans into financial instruments), digital ID and geo-fencing will remain a globalist pipedream.

If that’s something that appeals to you, then keep using cash as much as you can.

And always have a few hundred dollars in notes on hand, ‘just in case’.
