Stephen Andrew statement on the future of the union movement

John Wilson, the former Queensland State Secretary and ex-President of the Trades Hall Council is incandescent with rage at what he calls the ‘sell out’ of the working class by Australia’s Union Leadership over the past 18 months.
“They’ve SAID NOTHING and they’ve DONE NOTHING” he thundered. “They are FULLY on board with this agenda”.
“They are PART OF this SELLOUT – they’re part of it and there is going to be a reckoning.”
“They will not survive this”. “They are finished”.
Wilson’s words came as Victoria’s construction workers and tradies unleashed their own fury at unions, specifically the CFMMEU, for their failure to initiate any stop-work actions over the mandatory vaccination orders their members are now subject to. Construction workers in Victoria have been told by the Dan Andrews government that they must have at least one jab by this Thursday, or face the loss of their jobs and livelihoods. Many have mortgages to pay and kids to support and the orders have been a devastating blow to the hard-working members of the industry. They are absolutely furious that their union reps are basically sitting on their hands and letting it happen.
Not a single union – not the Building unions, the Nurses Unions, Firefighters Union, or Police Union – have stood up for their workers over these draconian mandates in clear violation of the Nuremburg Code. Go to any union websites and like every other institution in the country, they are completely silent on the issue.
After being slammed by their rank and file in recent days, a couple have mouthed a few weak platitudes on people’s right to choose, but not a single one has seriously stood up and challenged the government or fought for their members’ rights.
Wilson, whose father was a life member of the Maritime Union, boasts a long family history of ties to the Australia’s union movement, says now he is done with the lot of them.
“There is going to be a reckoning in this country” he said. “When the tide turns, as it is now, there will be a reckoning and it will be ‘Goodbye’ to the trade union movement in this country AND the Labor Party – and good bloody riddance to the lot of them”.
“They are ‘scabs’ to the working class of the trade union movement. They’ll go to their graves as ‘scabs’ to the working class.”

Stephen Andrew statement on Great Police Purge

The coming “Great Police Purge” will drive out many critical-thinking, evidence-based police officers with good instincts. George Christensen has an excellent Facebook post up today, about a number of serving police officers who have told him they are being forced to either resign quietly or face disciplinary charges when the deadline for getting the ‘jab’ ends next month. Presumably, any refusal to resign by police will also mean the loss of their entitlements and benefit payments as well.
Clearly the QPS is hoping to purge all its non-compliant workers under cover of darkness, with threats, incentives and watertight confidentiality agreements. If they succeed, it will be win-win for the government, with the public never knowing exactly how many good police officers were lost in this great purge of “the unvaccinated” from the workforce. This creation of what amounts to a new ‘leper class’ within our borders, banishing them to second-class status and stripping them of their rights just seems so cold-blooded and dangerous, it is hard to believe it is actually being allowed to happen in this country.
The Post also contains a very moving letter from a Qld police officer of two decades’ service. He describes himself as a “critical-thinking, evidence-based” officer, who has always relied on “good instincts” and “gut feeling” to guide him in his personal and professional life. In other words, just the sort of person the “powers that be” are hoping to rid themselves of, I imagine.
The letter sends an important message to those shocked by some recent police actions, saying “We SEE YOU and We HEAR YOU” and “we are doing everything we can to right the ship”.
“There are good police that still serve the people and not agendas” he writes. “I know of many other police and their families who feel the same as you, so please don’t lose hope and faith, we are fighting.”
The letter recounts how, in a stunning act of treachery, the Police Union has led the pack when it comes to vilifying “those members who refuse to be vaccinated”.
They have been active in also stirring up hate and division within previously harmonious work groups, by saying things like:
It is a very sad letter, with the officer saying that he and his family’s lives “are in ruins right now” as they are struggling to come to terms with “losing everything we have worked so hard for”.
“My wife spent the whole day, two days ago, sobbing on the floor trying to come to terms with what is actually happening,” he writes.
“It’s hard for me to comprehend that everything going on is said to be for health, when families like mine are being torn apart”.
Read the full letter here: