Stephen Andrew statement on Freedom Rallies

Libertarians, democrats and, yes, ‘anti-vaxxers’, were joined yesterday by hundreds of nurses, ambos, construction workers and police, all facing job losses as a result of the draconian government health mandates. The rallies followed last week’s protest in Melbourne’s CBD by construction workers over the restrictions and mandates their industry is being hit with.
Meanwhile, the language coming out of the mouths of Australia’s mainstream media and political leaders has become increasingly ‘ugly’ and ‘menacing’. Jacquie Lambi, announced on Sky News recently, that she was coming for “you anti-vaxxers” “lock, stock and barrel”. This new sport of spewing state-sanctioned ‘hate speech’ at ordinary citizens and workers, has left many Australians horrified. She is far from alone in this, unfortunately.
The levels of vitriol we are seeing directed at Australians by their elected representatives and media, has been unedifying, to say the least. What Lambi and other elites like her, fail to realise, is that all this vilification is doing, is entrenching people’s resistance even further, and drawing increasing numbers of supporters to their side in sympathy.
In other words, it is completely counterproductive to the governments’ goal. Many who were not opposed to the ‘jab’ at first, and others who were merely cautious or hesitant, have told me they are now firmly and passionately opposed to it. For them, the vax-mandate issue has become a matter of political and moral principle, or what one old gentleman yesterday called, “common human decency”. Another said even if the ‘jab’ had nothing but saline in it, they wouldn’t take it now.
Let’s face it – Australians have never liked bullies. Imagine their shock on discovering Australia’s governing classes are infested with them.
What many elites seem to forget is that even where people have received their jabs, a lot of their friends, co-workers and family members may not have. Attempts to create a leper or pariah class out of their loved ones, therefore, is not going to sit well with them – not by a long shot.
The government and elites are trying to position the “unvaccinated” as ‘less than human’, and therefore not worthy of compassion or human rights. We all know where that sort of thing leads – widespread persecution, human rights abuses and a rapid descent into tyranny.
It’s sad to see that some of these people that were hailed as hero’s 18 months ago, are now facing job loss at the hands of “no-jab, no-job” mandates, along with many others who cannot finish their occupational study due to the same issue.
This can’t be allowed to happen in Australia.

Stephen Andrew statement on legality of health orders challenged

A NSW supreme Court case will challenge vaccine mandates and the limits of “executive power” in Australia. Last Thursday, law firm Ashley Francina Leonard & Associates filed a Supreme Court action against the Health Minister, Brad Hazzard, CHO Dr Kerry Chant, and the NSW Government. The law firm is challenging the legality and constitutionality of the NSW Government’s Public Health Orders, which have seen NSW condemned worldwide as little more than a Police State.
The scenes coming out of NSW over the past month have been truly extraordinary. Nothing remotely like it has been seen in any advanced anglosphere Western democracy before – not for centuries. From soldiers patrolling the streets of Sydney, to church leaders fined $35,000 for rule-breaking, to arrests by police of people for the most minor transgressions, the level of coercion seems to escalate daily.
Meanwhile, Australia’s establishment media, continue their march ‘in lockstep’ with government, urging ever more authoritarian measures, all the while continuing to sow seeds of ‘hatred and division’ within the community against the ‘unvaccinated’ and anyone else who refuses to go along with the power elite.
The case will also challenge the ‘validity’ and ‘constitutionality’ of NSW’s orders mandating vaccination across a broad range of workers in NSW. The law firm said they had received thousands of letters from “police, paramedics, nurses, aged care workers, doctors, firefighters, construction workers, teachers, airline staff, miners, truck drivers, university students, mums and dads and, importantly, employers”.
“Minister Hazzard and Dr Chant have exceeded their delegated powers by civilly conscripting workers to take a medical treatment which only has ‘provisional approval’ from the TGA and where the clinical evidence from Phase III trials is incomplete” they said.
Ashley Francina Leonard & Associates are asking the court for an injunction preventing Hazzard and Chant from making any further Orders under section 7 of the Public Health Act 2010 (NSW).
The Morrison Government has waded in on behalf of Hazzard and Chant, requesting the court that the two be removed from the action.
Some believe government’s request was motivated, at least in part, by the desire to avoid another unedifying spectacle like the one put on by Hazzard during a recent NSW Committee Inquiry, where the Health Minister appeared at times, almost unhinged.
Court Hearing link (starts at 9min12 secs):
Link to appearance by Hazzard & Chant at recent Committee hearing: