Stephen Andrew statement on the Freedom Rally

A new front in an old war heats up – the battle of Australia’s “Haves” and “Have-Nots”. People who were at last weekend’s “Freedom Rally” in Brisbane, tell me that close to 15,000 people were there. That’s an incredible ‘turn out’, especially when you consider many more would have been there if they had known about it.
That’s the thing. With social media and the internet so heavily policed nowadays, organisers are being forced to rely on ‘word of mouth’, community group networks and public notice boards to spread the word. Of course, the mainstream media ran ‘defence’ for authorities again, playing the whole thing down and discrediting protestors any way they could.
“It is difficult to learn who called the rallies”, one journalist sniffed, “but police believe they are being organised on social media BY OVERSEAS ANTI-COVID VACCINATION GROUPS trying to gain traction in Australia”.
For sheer idiocy, the old “foreign interference” line is hard to beat.
The ‘journalist’, who said he didn’t bother to actually attend the event himself, wrote the account almost exclusively on the back of official “police reports”.
It seems that in today’s ‘bizarro’ world, police sources and government bureaucrats are always accepted by the Press as 100% credible and ‘trustworthy’, while the words of ordinary people, are routinely dismissed and silenced.
It is hard to fathom the thinking of these politicians and ‘journalists’ who can watch tens of thousands of ordinary Australians, many of whom have never disobeyed a rule or law in their lives, take to the streets to voice their concerns, and offer nothing but sneers and derision in response.
Saturday’s Rally, like so many others we see happening around the world, was attended by ordinary Australians, who came from all walks of life, culture, faith and background to march peacefully in solidarity and ‘common cause’ with each other.
That’s what TRUE ‘grassroots’ movements looks like. That’s what democracy looks like – or used to.
As the politician, Kevin Andrews, wrote last week, this is starting to become a movement of the people against a ‘privileged’ and increasingly authoritarian elite.

A First Nations’ Speaker at the Rally, called it a “great Rising” of the poor and downtrodden, against those who have “never struggled” or worked just to put food on the table.
To keep dismissing these protests as the rantings of “Trumpers” and “Anti-Vaxxers” could very well be the biggest mistake Australia’s governing classes ever make.
These are REAL people, with REAL problems and REAL grievances.
They deserve to be heard.
Many have lost everything – their jobs, their businesses, their freedoms, not to mention all the hopes and dreams they once had for their futures.
And they are being sneered at, insulted and treated like dirt by those who hold power over them.
All I can say is that governments who sow division and enmity within a population, by setting one ‘majority’ group against a marginalised ‘outgroup’, has rarely ended well in history.
I suspect this time will be no different.
The Petition to Save Democracy in Queensland closes soon (31 August 2021).
If you haven’t done so already, please sign and share with as many people as you can.
We need to make sure that the Queensland Government is reminded that they are still accountable to THE PEOPLE – NOT the other way around!
Here is the link to petition.
With a large number of Australians starting to feel very frightened and distrustful of their governments, the locally-made coronavirus vaccine, COVAX-19, could be the ‘safe and effective’ alternative many have been desperately looking for. Why then, is the Australian government and medical establishment refusing to provide support or critical funding to the Australian researchers, who are now far advanced in developing a vaccine that sidesteps a number of issues plaguing the gene-based technology of Pfizer and AstraZeneca?
COVAX-19 is a ‘protein based’ vaccine that uses technology which has been successfully applied in the development of vaccines and therapeutics for many years. It is a vaccine that does NOT use mRNA or DNA technology so will NOT interfere with your body’s genetic make-up, the way the other gene-based vaccines do. Crucially for many, COVAX-19 contains NO aborted foetal cells and NO graphene toxins. The vaccine also requires none of the complicated storage requirements of Pfizer, can be manufactured at scale and possibly cheaper than what the Government is now paying for its Big Pharma products.
Currently, Australia is using just two vaccines – Pfizer and AstraZeneca. Both use gene-based technologies which are completely unlike any of the vaccines Australians are familiar with or trust. This has caused massive “vaccine hesitancy” amongst the population – all of whom are understandably very wary of what they choose to put in their bodies.
COVAX-19 gives these people a much needed ‘option’ or ‘choice’, which so far has been completely missing in the whole ‘vaccination’ debate. Lead researcher and Professor of Medicine, Nikolai Petrovsky, has said that COVAX-19 has completed its animal trials, and that the results proved “safe and effective”. The vaccine is now going through the final stages of its human clinical trials, with early results showing promising results concerning efficacy rates, and indications it may also prevent transmission of COVID-19 and all its variants.
Professor Petrovsky said that with the right support from government, the vaccine could even be approved by the end of this year.
All of which begs a number of questions: –
– Why aren’t Australians being told that alternatives to mRNA and gene-based vaccines exist, with a local one even nearing completion?
– Why is the Government providing NO funding or support to this important alternative to mRNA vaccine being developed by a reputable and long-standing Australian company? and
– Why is the Queensland Health Minister prepared to ‘petition’ Morrison’s LNP for additional ‘phone carriage’ services so that Telehealth can provide euthanasia and assisted suicide to those living in rural and remote areas, but refuse point blank to ‘petition’ the Commonwealth for Queenslanders to be given ‘alternative’ vaccine options, which could actually save lives NOT end them?