A New York Supreme Court judge has ruled that mandates imposed on the City’s Sanitation workers were enacted illegally, finding the rule to be unconstitutional, arbitrary, and capricious.

The court ordered that the 16 sacked sanitation workers, plaintiffs in the case, be immediately reinstated with full ‘back-pay’ from the date of termination.

The 13 page ruling by Judge Porzio highlighted a number of inconsistencies with the mandate orders.  The first order was issued by the Health Commissioner over city workers on 20 October 2021, with a subsequent order relating to private sector workers issued “months later”.

A further related order was issued by the Mayor in March 2022, which carved out exemptions for certain professions like athletes, artists and performers.

“This is clearly an arbitrary and capricious action because we are dealing with identical unvaccinated people being treated differently by the same administrative agency” the Judge said.

Most of the workers, he noted, had already recovered from the virus, giving them “natural immunity” prior to their termination.

There was therefore no reason, the Judge said, that these workers could not have continued to submit to regular testing, while continuing to fulfill their duties as public employees.

Porzio also pointed out that being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting the virus.

“We have learned through the course of the pandemic that the vaccine against covid-19 is not absolute.  Breakthrough cases occur even for those who’ve been vaccinated and boosted.”

Clearly, he said, the mandates are not just about safety and public health.

“They are about compliance”.

“If it was about safety and public health, the Commissioner would have issued Citywide mandates for vaccination of ALL residents and workers, whether public or private.”

“If it was about safety and public health, unvaccinated workers would have been placed on leave the moment the order was issued.”

If it was about safety and public health, no worker would have been exempt.

“This is not a commentary on the efficacy of vaccination” the Judge said.  “But about how we treat our First Responders.  The ones who worked day to day through the height of the pandemic.  They worked without protective gear.  They were infected with Covid 19.”

“In a city with a nearly 80 percent vaccination rate, we shouldn’t be penalizing people who showed up to work at great risk to themselves and their families, while we were all locked down.”


Words many sacked workers in Australia have waited a long time to hear from a judge.

It’s just a shame they had to hear it from an American judge, NOT an Australian one.




Within 5 to 7 years, ordinary people will no longer have the right to fly in the way that they were used to pre-2020.

Within 10 years, they won’t have the right to fly at all.

The plan is to make air travel the exclusive domain of the super wealthy only. 

Throughout 2022, we have seen airlines cancelling flights and routes by the bucket load.

In the US, 34,000 flights scheduled for November were removed –  a reduction of 40 percent.

To date, British Airways has cut 30,000 flights from its original flight schedule for 2022, a reduction of 18 percent.

And yet no-one’s really questioning any of it.

There are all sorts of references to “staff shortages” and “fuel costs” but these are just pre-texts.

What nobody is prepared to say is that all these cuts are being made in accordance with specific target-driven quotas from the UN, which the airlines all agreed to in 2019.

The goal is to gradually restrict people’s ability to fly, before eliminating the sector altogether. 

The ‘step-change’ approach is just to condition you into accepting it.

Take a look at the 2019 UKFires document, ABSOLUTE ZERO.  On page 2 it states:

“There are no options for zero-emissions flight in the time available for action, so the industry faces a rapid contraction. DEVELOPMENTS IN ELECTRIC FLIGHT MAY BE RELEVANT BEYOND 2050.”

Page 5 sets out the timeline for 2020-2029 with “all airports except Heathrow, Glasgow and Belfast to close”.


The signs of what is happening are everywhere.

France has banned internal domestic flights that are less than 2 hours.  If there’s a train available, you must now take it.  You can’t just jump on a ‘short haul’ flight in France anymore.

No-one ever asked the French people if they wanted such a ban, it was just imposed on them anyway.

In Norway, politicians are considering individual flight quotas, restricting how many flights you can take yearly and where.

They also want a ban on duty free shopping and internal domestic flights like France.

In the Netherlands, Schiphol, 70 percent owned by the Dutch Government, announced the world’s first flight cap at Amsterdam Airport, the world’s third largest aviation hub.

Passenger taxes are to be tripled and airport charges increased 37 percent.

The Dutch Government at least had the honesty to admit the changes are to reduce carbon emissions.

For the most part, however, we are all being signed up to something without our express knowledge or consent. 

Were you ever asked if you were willing to give up your freedom to fly, to go where you want, when you want?

I wasn’t.