There are so many bad things going on in the world right now, that it is getting harder and harder to keep up.
However, the wholesale destruction of the world’s food supply is something nobody should ignore.
While Australia and other wealthy countries will see shortages of some items and skyrocketing prices for others, many of the world’s poorer nations won’t be so lucky with hundreds of millions of people facing severe hunger in 2022.
The situation was bad enough with skyrocketing fertiliser, fuel and shipping costs, but recent events in the Ukraine have made everything a hell of a lot worse.
Russia and Ukraine alone account for roughly 30 per cent of global wheat and barley exports, while 40% of the world’s fertilisers are supplied by Belarus and Russia.
The sanctions on Russia and Belarus have therefore removed key ingredients from the world’s food supply, causing wheat and other grain prices, to absolutely explode.
Grain-rich countries like Moldova and Hungary, have put bans on the export of grains and fertilisers as they desperately move to hold on to their own supplies.
Countries like Egypt, Turkey and Lebanon, who rely exclusively on Ukraine-Russia-Belarus for supplies, are now scrambling to buy whatever they can on the grain market.
EU farmers have called for a suspension of Europe’s ‘Green New Deal’ farming restrictions, with no success.
Germany’s Agriculture Minister told farmers the restrictions, which prevent them from cultivating all their farmland or using more than 50% fertilisers/pesticides – are staying.
German farmers are furious, many accusing the Minister of “murder”.
As one said in a video that went viral:
“In the midst of this catastrophe, this green eco-fanaticism – is putting ecological madness before human lives”.
This is disgraceful.
You can’t just eliminate 40% of the world’s grains, from the Black Sea region, and expect innocent people not to suffer.
In the past, sanctions were carefully targeted. You never just cut off part of the world’s food supply like this.
It’s as though they just want to burn the whole system down in order to replace it with the new ‘Reset’ model they have planned.
Here in Australia, governments have done nothing to warn its citizens of the coming food crisis, or formulate contingency plans.
This means we all need to make our own, starting with emergency food gardens, to insulate our family and community as much as possible.
Everyone should also stock up on flour, rice, barley and other grains.
If you wait till you’ve run out, they may not be there.