Boris Johnson may have his faults, but yesterday’s Parliamentary Statement ending vaccine mandates, vaccine certificates and mask mandates, was an absolute blinder!

All Australia’s pro-lockdown, pro-mandate and pro-tyranny crowd, including our PM, Premiers and Chief Ministers must have been absolutely frothing at the mouth when they heard it!

Already, the knives are out for Boris as our Global Overlords and their ‘running dogs’ in Big Tech and the media set out to destroy him at all costs.

Hammering away with tales of blackmail, press leaks and some stupid  party no sane person gives a damn about – preparing the way to install their ‘Great Reset’ stooge, and fellow member of the Trilateral Commission, Sir Kier Starmer, in his place.

No doubt they will be successful, but what a way to go out …

All Hail to Boris and his very public abdication from the ranks of global tyranny!

My ‘best moments’ from Boris Johnson’s Speech were:

“Today’s latest ONS data shows clearly that infection levels are falling in England.”

“Our scientists believe it is likely that the Omicron wave has now peaked…”

“From the start of Thursday next week MANDATORY CERTIFICATION WILL END”.

“Organisations can choose to use the Covid Pass voluntarily but WE WILL END THE COMPULSORY USE OF COVID STATUS CERTIFICATION IN ENGLAND”.

“From now, the government is no longer asking people to work from home and PEOPLE SHOULD NOW SPEAK TO THEIR EMPLOYERS ABOUT ARRANGEMENTS FOR RETURNING TO THE OFFICE”.

“… the government will no longer mandate the wearing of face masks ANYWHERE”.

“We will continue to SUGGEST the use of face coverings in enclosed or crowded places”.

“BUT WE WILL TRUST THE JUDGEMENT OF THE BRITISH PEOPLE and no longer criminalise anyone who chooses not to wear one”.

“And there will soon come a time when we can remove the legal requirement to self-isolate altogether – JUST AS WE DON’T PLACE LEGAL OBLIGATIONS ON PEOPLE TO ISOLATE IF THEY HAVE FLU”.

“We will set out our long-term strategy for living with Covid-19, explaining how we hope and intend to PROTECT OUR LIBERTY AND AVOID RESTRICTIONS IN FUTURE”.

“While the global situation remains challenging, the United Kingdom can see “LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL”.

All Hail Boris!!


Watching our government and media subject Novak Djokovic, to one of the worst cases of public shaming I’ve ever witnessed, was unedifying to say the least.

Obviously he was the perfect scapegoat for the Government’s propaganda war on unvaxxed humans, but was that all?

After all, many other unvaccinated tennis players were allowed in to play, holding the very same visa as Djokovic.
Why was only he singled out?

One theory involves the hundreds of thousands of protestors who blocked Serbia’s roads and bridges last month, bringing the whole country to a standstill.

The object of their fury was Rio Tinto, the mining giant who adds $56 billion to Australia’s GDP each year, and billions in royalties, taxes and community investments.

The company is developing a vast underground lithium mine in Serbia’s most fertile agricultural region, the Jadar Valley.

When Serbia’s Government tried to pass new legislation, making it easier for Rio Tinto and other foreign multinationals to appropriate people’s land, the country descended into chaos.

Protestors flooded the streets holding banners saying “Stop Rio Tinto, save our Valley. Others chanted: “Rio Tinto, get your hands off the Drina River”.

That’s when Serbia’s national hero Novak Djokovic stood up to defend the protestors and their cause.
On Instagram, he wrote:
“clean air, water and food are the key to health, and without them it makes no sense to talk about health”.
Shortly afterwards the whole project was put “on hold”.

The President warned Serbians the country would be forced to “pay a billion euros if it withdrew from the business with the Anglo-Australian company”, but still he was ordered to “Stop the Jadar Project immediately”.

Protestors gave a deadline of 7 January for the public release of all the government’s ‘commercial in confidence’ dealings with Rio Tinto.

That deadline, 7 January, was coincidentally the same day Djokovic’s Australian Visa was revoked.
No one knows exactly who gave the order, but interestingly, the PM’s Chief of Staff, John Kunkel, is a former “Chief Adviser” lobbyist for – you guessed it – RIO TINTO.

In 2019, he was described as one of the 10 most powerful people Australians had never heard of by the ABC.
There are other possibilities …

Serbia’s lithium deposit is the biggest in Europe and 10% of the world’s reserves. It is regarded as the ‘new oil’, and destined to power the world’s green economy and ‘Great Reset’. Without it, nothing happens. Not 5G, not EVs, IoT, Digital Economy or ‘net zero by 2050’!!

I wonder what would happen to a country or people, who got in the way of all that?

I suspect the public shaming of their national hero, would be the least of it …