Global elites have lost no time in seizing on the current “crisis” to further erode the principles of democratic government and national sovereignty.
Last year, at a meeting of the World Health Assembly (governing body of the WHO), the representatives of 94 countries voted in favour of creating a “legally binding” international treaty on what actions the world’s nations must deal with pandemics, and the “risk” of pandemics, in the future.
An “intergovernmental body”, led by the World Bank and WHO, has been working on the final wording for the “legally binding” treaty since December.
It is due to be voted on at the next World Health Assembly meeting on 1 March 2022.
A second meeting on 1 August 2022 will vote on the revised draft, with a report due to be formally delivered at the 76th World Health Assembly in 2023.
The final agreement will be submitted to the 77th World Health Assembly in 2024 for ratification.
But remember – the ordinary people of the world don’t get to vote on any of it.
If successful, the new Treaty will become binding on how the world’s governments must respond to a “pandemic crisis”, just like the climate crisis.
All rights to sovereignty will be stripped from the world’s nations, their governments, national state or local, and citizens.
Future lockdowns, quarantine laws and vaccine mandates will be imposed by the new global pandemic body under WHO: a body that will not be transparent and NOT accountable to ‘the people’ – any peoples.
If Australia ratifies this legally binding international pandemic treaty, they will have sold out the people of this country for good this time.
National elections will cease to matter, as unelected and shadowy global bureaucrats take charge of our ‘life, liberty and pursuit of happiness’.
It won’t matter then, how many trucker convoys or freedom rallies you hold. Even if your own ‘elected representatives’ wanted to help you, they wouldn’t be able to any more.
This must be stopped now.