Stephen Andrew statement on medical tyranny

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s shocking announcement this morning, upheld all the principles of ‘mission creep’ that we have come to know and expect from our devious, ‘wolves in sheep clothing’ governments, over the past two decades or more.
Clearly, all our ‘leaders’ and governments are working according to some inter-governmentally agreed timetable and plan, which, when fully played out, will see mandatory vaccination, and a universal Digital Identity system, adopted sector-wide across the economy, and not a single worker or citizen in the State will be left untouched by them.
Already, we have seen the increasing use of this unprecedented and shameful piece of public policy, seized on opportunistically by elites within the private sector – all without a peep of protest from our media, judiciary or public institutions – including ALL the Christian Churches!
This incrementally applied policy of state coercion, means tens of millions of increasingly traumatised Australians will be forced to accept an endless round of radical new treatments, the medium and long term effects for which even the TGA and FDA admit are unknown.
For those who decide to hold onto their inalienable right to make their own health choices, the impacts will be financially and emotionally catastrophic and, in some cases, lead to family breakdowns, social isolation and even destitution.
This is an appalling breach of every known principle of a government’s ‘duty of care’ to its people.
It also means the creation of a ‘two tier’ medically segregated State – an unthinkable and dangerous proposition that should be a red flag to any Queenslander who values freedom, equality or justice.
Even worse, it officially sanctions the age-old tactics of ‘scapegoating’ and ‘exclusion’, which so many black Australians, including my own Australian South Sea Islander people, have endured throughout history.
This time, these hateful tactics are to be imposed on a newly created, and demonised ‘second-class’ outgroup, who are to be stripped of all their basic human rights as tax-paying Australians.
Anyone who has read history, knows exactly where these sort of morally bankrupt policies and tactics end – in rising levels of state-sanctioned persecution, internment and finally, crimes against humanity.

Stephen Andrew statement on weaponised language

Merriam-Webster, the world’s most used dictionary, is at it again, redefining our words and language to better fit the globalist narrative.
The dictionary, is no longer published in “book” form and is purely an “online database” which as CEO Rodney Powell has commented, allows for words and their “fluid meanings” to “evolve over time”.
Recently, Merriam-Webster has changed its definition for the term “anti-vaxxer” .
The new definition now includes, not just people who oppose vaccines, but anyone who is against vaccine mandates and passports as well.
The definition on Merriam-Webster’s website is:
It’s not clear when the company made the change, but many online bloggers only noticed it last week, for the first time.
Merriam-Webster also changed its definition of “racism” last year, to include “systemic oppression” of one racial group by another.
This revision was made at the request of BLM, to prevent anyone being able to claim they weren’t racist because they didn’t consider themselves to be racially superior to another race (the old definition).
Merriam-Webster also changed the definition of “vaccine” in January, making it more ‘user-friendly’ to the new mRNA-gene therapy shots.
The term “anti-vaxxer” is a relatively new word, having first entered the Merriam-Webster dictionary in 2009, when the globalists had their first go at vaccinating the whole world during the H1N1 ‘Swine Flu’ pandemic.
‘Anti-vaxxer’ is now a form of ‘hate speech’ which is used widely by Australian politicians and corporate media to demonise and discredit anyone who chooses not to receive the mRNA vaccines.
Now those same hatemongers will be justified in using the same slur against anyone who is opposed to vaccine-mandates and passports, regardless of their vaccination status.
Incredible isn’t it?
To paraphrase George Orwell:
“Every record is being destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture is being repainted, every statue and street building is being renamed, every date altered.”
“And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. NOTHING EXISTS EXCEPT AN ENDLESS PRESENT IN WHICH THE PARTY IS ALWAYS RIGHT.”
No wonder they are doing everything in their power to get rid of hard copy books and put everything online!