Stephen Andrew statement on Michael Gunner

The Lajamanu community, south-west of Katherine, has been put under immediate lockdown until 11 December 2021, by the NT Chief Minister, Michael Gunner, after wastewater testing supposedly “returned positive results” for “fragments” of the virus.
The town is a strongly traditional community governed by the Central Land Council as well as the Kuridji law and justice group.
Residents of the community and surrounding homelands have been put under house arrest basically, and “a Rapid Assessment Team has been dispatched to manage the response, undertake Covid-19 testing and PROVIDE COVID-19 VACCINATIONS”.
What are the chances that “providing” vaccinations means having the option of saying ‘no’ for the townspeople of Lajamanu?
Little to none I’d say. Especially with Gunner in charge.
What a piece of work he is turning out to be. He even featuring prominently – and not in a good way – in a major international news outlet recently.
From what I hear, Gunner is hopping mad because only around 25% of the Lajamanu townspeople have followed his advice and “got the jab”.
Both the government and the media like to paint it that First Nations people are all queuing up in their eagerness to be jabbed, but from I hear, nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, whole communities throughout the inland and north, are refusing point-blank to go anywhere near a mRNA shot.
Some are even taking to the bush to escape them.
Of course, all this is like a red rag to a bull to ‘our Dan Andrews wannabe’, of the North.
Luckily, a bunch of “health workers” were on the job: sneaking into Lajamanu in the dead of night, ‘testing’ the town’s wastewater, and ‘Hey Presto’, immediate lockdown, and “a team” sent in to “PROVIDE Covid-19 vaccinations”.
Frankly, the way these Aboriginal communities and peoples are being treated is absolutely disgusting and inhumane.
Has anybody even bothered to go in there to check that they are okay and hear their side of things?
Where are all those big tough investigative journalists we used to hear so much about – shouldn’t they be smuggling themselves in there right about now, to get a ‘scoop’ from the local elders?
They’re nowhere of course – just like all the human rights activists and social justice warriors who once pretended so hard to care about Aboriginal peoples.

Stephen Andrew statement on hidden connections of power elites

Many people, like me, are starting to wake up to the fact that things are not what they seem in Australia. For years now, we have all been fed the line that Australia is a democratic ‘meritocracy’ where those who reach the top, do so as a product of their own gifts, talent, intelligence or hard work – none of which is even remotely true.
Most people operating at the top of Australia’s elite circle of power are part of a far more nepotistic and insidious system altogether – one where hard work and talent matters much less than who are connected to, or even who your father, mother, or sibling was, or who you are married to. Take Boris Johnson in the UK, whose father, Stanley Johnson, was an influential Conservative Party politician and later, a member of the European Parliament, European Commission and World Bank. Justin Trudeau’s father, Pierre Trudeau, was of course the famous Prime Minister of Canada, whose two administrations bridged the 1960, 1970s and 1980s. Jacinda Ardern is the daughter of Ross Ardern, a NZ High Commissioner to Cook Islands and more recently, Administrator of Tokelau. His brother, Ian, is Head of the Mormon Church in New Zealand and Pacific region.
Scott Morrison’s Great Aunt was Mary Gilmore, who once founded a utopian socialist colony in Paraguay with the socialist William Lane.
Morrison’s older brother, Alan, serves as Chair of AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) Committee on Paramedicine and Chair of the government’s Health Services Working Group. Then there is Jane Halton, who Morrison appointed as head of the government’s National Covid-19 Co-ordination Commission. Jane is the daughter of Charles Halton, a British Military Scientist brought to Australia in 1973 by Gough Whitlam to overhaul the country’s transport system, and who served as Secretary of Defence and Secretary of the Department of Communications under Hawke and Keating. Daughter Jane is now the CHAIR OF CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations), set up and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust and World Economic Forum in 2015. Jane was part of Event 201, a pandemic exercise organised and funded by John Hopkins, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundations and the World Economic Forum in October 2019. Jane’s husband is Trevor Sutton, Deputy of the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Chair of the Governing Council of Statistics for the Asian and Pacific region. Trevor heads the Statistical Business Transformation Group which received a $256 million investment program to radically transform how ABS collects, processes and disseminates information, data and statistics.
In 2016, ABS data collection and survey systems were awarded to Accenture, a partner of ID2020 and GAVI. Trevor is a Member of the Institute for Health Metrics & Evaluation of which Jane Halton is also a Board Member, and which receives funding from the Gates Foundation and WHO. Trevor Sutton’s brother is Dr Brett Sutton. Dr Sutton is the Chief Health Officer of Victoria, who advises Dan Andrews Government on public health and pandemic response measures. Interestingly, Jane Halton also has a brother, Philip Halton, who is Deputy Commissioner of QBCC, Queensland’s building and construction regulator.
These are just a few examples but there are many more – some are well-known, while others are tightly guarded secrets.