Stephen Andrew statement on Victorian MP taking a stand

Victoria became the first Australian state to ban unvaccinated MPs from entering Parliament last week. The government’s motion ordered all members and staff to prove they have received at least one dose of a vaccine by 15 October, or have an appointment booked before October 22. Any member who failed to comply would be prevented from entering parliament, and their security access revoked.
The motion passed the lower house on Thursday morning, after all Labor and Green members voted in support of the government, as did all but one Liberal Party member – the lone dissenter being the courageous Member for Forest Hill, Neil Angus.
Mr Angus, delivered a moving and emotional speech to Parliament on the Motion (link below), saying Victoria was racing “towards a totalitarian regime”:
“The result of the Premier’s announcement on 1 October this year is that medical apartheid will be commencing in Victoria in a few days time”, Mr Angus said. “Victoria will be a two-class society”.
Great leaders, the MP said, bring “people together and unites them. They don’t divide people … they do not shame people, blame people and pit one person against another. Here in Victoria, we have never seen a more divided and broken society”.
Mr Angus said people in Victoria were now living “in fear of the police and authorities, in fear of having or sharing a point of view different to the government’s, in fear of segregation and in fear of others, even friends and neighbours”.
The motion also passed the upper house, after a spirited debate in which the Liberal Democrat MPs, David Limbrick and Tim Quilty, staunchly opposed the motion.
Mr Limbrick called it a “disgrace”.
Both he and Mr Quilty have refused to hand over their medical details, despite being fully vaccinated.
“We think it is a terrible precedent that bureaucrats can decide what medical procedures you need to be a Democratic representative.”
Quilty said the motion violated hundreds of years of parliamentary law.
“The government has exceeded its reach and the whole use of emergency powers has gone too far” Quilty said.
“They have gained massive trust with these forces, but they have broken that trust.”
The pair will be expelled from Parliament, along with Mr Angus, this Friday.
Link to Neil Angus’ historic speech is here:

Stephen Andrew statement on medical apartheid

Premier Palaszczuk said today that the government would be offering incentives (bribes) to businesses in Queensland, aimed at getting them to exclude “the unvaccinated” from their shops and offices. For morally bankrupt statements from a State Premier, that one takes some beating.
The planned “re-opening” of Queensland on 17 December is being universally hailed as a return to freedom for “the vaccinated”, but I have my doubts. I suspect the real reason for this so-called ‘freedom day’ on 17 December, is not about “opening back up” as it is being sold, so much as it is about applying the psychological thumbscrews to those Queenslanders who remain stubbornly unvaccinated.
Right now, there appears to be no punishment too great, no law too outrageous, no policy too severe, when it comes to punishing “the unvaccinated” in Australia. Across the country, our political and elite classes have ripped off the mask to reveal there is absolutely no limit or boundary they won’t cross, when it comes to punishing those who WILL NOT COMPLY. Because despite the furious denials issuing from the lips of our leadership, there really is NO other way to describe what is going on, OTHER than the roll-out of a Medical Apartheid dictatorship.
That anyone seriously tries to refute something so ‘bleeding obvious’, just shows how far from reality, (and decency), many of them have now drifted.
Last Friday, a million workers in Victoria were forced to prove to their government they’d received at least one jab or lose their job. Employers who might have taken pity on unvaccinated employees, were threatened with fines of $100,000 if they did!
In NSW, meanwhile, “unvaccinated” citizens of the State cannot:
– Go to church;
– Visit another person’s house;
– Play sport or exercise with more than one person, other than their own household;
– Visit a gym or indoor recreation facility;
– Do anything with more than one person;
– Attend an OUTSIDE event;
– Visit a hairdresser or beauty salon;
– Go to a restaurant or cafe;
– Attend an entertainment facility;
– Travel in a car with anyone other than those they live with;
– Go anywhere outside their local government area.
The Northern Territory Chief Minister also turned raging dictator this week, mandating jabs for the Territory’s workers by 13 November 2021, or they wouldn’t “be permitted to attend their workplace” – don’t you love the euphemisms these autocrats use? To add insult to injury, workers who don’t comply will be hit with $5,000 fines on top of losing their jobs.
On an even more sinister note, Chief Minister Gunner said regular booster shots will be included in the Mandate when they become available in 2022.
Shades of the NSW Chief Health Officer, Kerry Chant, telling us last month, that Australians should start getting used to having vaccinations – for the REST OF THEIR LIVES!