Last week the UN found Australia ‘guilty’ of having violated the human rights of Torres Strait Islanders, due to climate inaction.

The UN’ Human Rights Committee ruled that Australia had failed to take adequate action to cut emissions or adopt adaptation measures to protect the islands.  It also said the country should “compensate the Islanders for harm suffered, … and TAKE MEASURES TO CONTINUE TO SECURE THE COMMUNITIES’ SAFE EXISTENCE”.

The Torres Strait Islanders were represented by the wealthy UK environmental group, ‘ClientEarth’, funded by wealthy billionaire Winsome McIntosh, of the A&T supermarket chain.

The Torres Strait Islanders’ case was the first climate change litigation brought by inhabitants of low-lying islands against a nation state.

As ClientEarth lawyer, Sophie Marjanac, commented:

“This case opens the door for further legal actions and compensation claims by other climate affected people, and will give hope to those fighting for loss and damage at this year’s international climate talks in Egypt”.

However, those “climate affected people” should think twice about taking advantage of the ‘landmark’ ruling.

It is little more than a ‘stalking horse’ for rich nations to use a ‘human rights argument’ justifying the declaration of a state of emergency over small islands and the forced relocation of their populations.

The 3rd National Climate Assessment states: “As sea level raises faster and coastal storms, erosion, and inundation cause more frequent or widespread threats, relocation (also called managed retreat or realignment), … will become a more pressing option”.

A 2021 paper by “Young Australians in International Affairs” is just one of many published the last few years calling for first world states to pro-actively assist in moving the Islands’ “affected populations”.

The UN’s Torres Strait ruling provides the perfect legal basis for them to do so.

After all, it instructs Australia to “take measures to continue to secure the communities’ safe existence”.

It will start gradually with the relocation of people from small, low lying coral atolls, most subject to sand erosion and king tides, but it won’t end there.

Eventually, ALL small and remote islands will be designated “at risk” from climate change.

That’s why Islanders everywhere, need to be very, very careful how they respond when these slick-talking, wealthy European NGOs come knocking at their door.

They might say they want to help but believe me, their idea of “helping” masks a different agenda altogether.

One that ends with the loss of the Islanders’ homeland, way of life, culture and heritage.


The United Nations has called for a worldwide crackdown on “conspiracy theorists”.

They are even telling people to police friends, family and fellow citizens for signs of ‘thought crimes’, and take action!

As one Canadian politician said:

“The UN has put out a framework for people to assess and ultimately undermine the legitimate questions that people everywhere are asking about their governments by smearing such questions as ‘conspiracy theories'”.

The goal is to get people to stop questioning their governments or holding them to account.

It’s “textbook gaslighting”.

My question for the UN is:

If there’s no conspiracy, why are governments worldwide implementing all the same policies, passing all the same laws and mouthing all the same talking points?

“Build Back Better” anyone?

The real reason the UN is ‘gaslighting’ you is because they, and the whole globalist cabal, are running scared.

None of them ever expected to see such a tidal wave of protests sweeping the world or for ordinary people to start waking up and demanding as to what the hell is going on!

I might add:

It’s NOT a ‘conspiracy theory’ when someone tells you over and over again, they are planning to “transform”, “transition” and “reset” the whole world and the lives of everyone in it!

Or that we should we need to prepare ourselves for a dystopian “new normal” future where we are watched 24/7 and ‘own nothing’ blah, blah, blah.

I won’t even mention the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and the man-machine hybrid rubbish WEF and Klaus Schwab keep rabbiting on about.

And here’s an idea.

If there’s no ‘global government’ conspiracy, then maybe don’t go around calling yourselves things like:

Agenda for the 21st Century; Coalition for a New Economy; the New Economic Order; the Global Finance Initiative; UN Global Compact; Global Digital Transformation’ UN75: 2020 and Beyond; Global Roadmap for Digital Cooperation; Global Resettlement Deployment Scheme; Global Transition Taskforce or the Global Transformation Project.

Just saying …

As far as I’m concerned, this new “Think Before Sharing” campaign, just proves that the REAL enemy the UN wants to put down, isn’t ‘misinformation’ – it’s YOU! The citizen.

And every citizen like you.

Democratic governments should be forced to answer uncomfortable questions and held to account by their people.

Questions like:

Why on earth are we STILL living under ‘STATE OF EMERGENCY’ laws?

Until someone gives me a straight answer to that question, I reserve my right to SPECULATE!

And so should you!