Last month, while most people were distracted by rising inflation, food shortages and events in the Ukraine, the latest round of WHO’s hearings on the “Pandemic Treaty” took place in Geneva.

The next round of talks are due to start mid-June, with a working draft to be ready for “internal negotiations” by 1 August 2022.

The Treaty is expected to be ratified by 194 countries and become fully binding under international law by no later than May 2024.

To date, only ONE country has lodged a “rejection letter” with the WHO, and that’s Russia.

Any government that signs this Treaty, will have effectively signed away their country’s sovereignty, without the full knowledge or informed consent of its people.

The Treaty hands WHO supranational powers, including the right to decide what a pandemic is, declare a state of emergency on a nation’s behalf, and determine what measures should be taken in responding to it.

Bear in mind that, according to “experts”, a “pandemic” can have any number of meanings nowadays.  According to them, there can be pandemics of heart disease, obesity, cancer and even poverty.

Draft clauses grant WHO a vast array of compliance powers, including harsh financial sanctions, enforced by the UN and a newly created body housed within the World Bank called the Global Health Security Financial Intermediary Fund.

The drafters will also be mandating huge increases in ‘COMPULSORY’ financing of WHO, which member states can raise by imposing new public health taxes on their citizens.

Other clauses allow WHO to put a country under a ‘state of emergency’ PREVENTATIVELY, for which the dreaded ‘precautionary principle’ is being trotted out.

Like ‘pre-crime’ for pandemics.

It will mean an emergency can be declared, and lockdowns imposed, in countries where not a single case has been identified.

The Treaty puts unparalleled powers into the hands of a few unelected foreign bureaucrats, allowing them to make “unaccountable” decisions which override the decisions of a country’s national, state and local governments.

Here’s what that looks like – say our parliament passed a law banning mandatory vaccination – the Treaty gives WHO technocrats the power to overrule the law and force the jab on Australians anyway.

All of which makes the passing of Australia’s Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill in 2020, even more reprehensible.

By passing such laws, Parliament placed Australians in enormous danger.

Danger that could one day put heavily armed men outside their front doors during a WHO imposed ‘state of emergency’.

Men who don’t answer to the Australian people OR their Parliament.

#StopTheTreaty #SaveOurSovereignty


In order to achieve ‘Net Zero’ by 2050, Australian governments will have to basically demolish Australia’s existing economy and replace it with something entirely new.

The ‘Net Zero’ Agenda is not just some ‘feel good’ pledge.  It is a detailed, target-driven program for radical change that will permanently alter the way Australians work, play and do business.

With zero public consultation, debate, referendum or plebiscite, Scomo signed away the sovereignty and prospects of his country, its people and future generations.

Zero Carbon will be the end of fossil fuels, oil, coal and gas for starters.

All will need to be phased out with severe restrictions placed on any form of mining, agriculture, transport, tourism or industrial production.

The days of ‘petrol’ cars will be numbered as trillions of dollars are poured into constructing acres of low-income, high-density housing and creating artificial ‘green spaces’ and ‘work hubs’, all within walking distance of where you live.

When the UN said ‘go local’, they meant it.

The Morrison Government would have you believe that all this will be done through “breakthrough technology not taxes”.  Don’t you believe it.

A carbon tax of one form or another is a 100% certainty.

Even Labor’s Joel Fitzgibbons admitted as much at his press conference on Wednesday.

How else will people be forced into accepting Electric Vehicles or the ‘transformation’ of an electricity grid, once the cheapest and most reliable in the world, into one where rationing and blackouts are the norm.

Traditional energy-intensive industries like transport, agriculture, steel, glass production, chemicals, paper and cement manufacturing, will face soaring costs leading to shutdowns or offshoring and the consequent loss of millions of skilled jobs.

Australia will be taken backwards to a neo-feudal, wood-burning dystopia where its beautiful outback is infested with miles upon miles of toxic solar panels and windmills.

Absolutely nothing about these radical changes will be either ‘voluntary’ or ‘optional’.

Every ‘Net Zero’ document makes constant reference to the huge amount of ‘behaviour changes’ that will be needed to get countries to Net Zero.

Ultimately it will mean no more drives in the country, no more motorsports, boating, 4WD, trips to Bali, Fiji or anywhere, and no more ‘grey nomad’ caravan jaunts around Australia.

Even green leaders say that an “eco dictatorship” is going to be needed to enforce all the coming changes.

This means mandates, executive orders, border controls, restrictions on movements within designated human settlement zones, wholesale surveillance programs, green taxes, penalties, fees, plus endless new regulations and laws.

Lots of new laws.

It will be like lockdown, only permanent.