Stephen Andrew statement on the tyranny of the elites

It should be evident to everyone by now that environmentalism, the Great Reset and the Green Movement, are almost exclusively the political plaything of the world’s rich, powerful and inter-connected elites.
A pampered class of people whose own lives remain steeped in obscene levels of luxury, consumption and excess, but whose favourite pastime is berating and lecturing the rest of humanity for their evil, evil ways. With no sense of irony or shame, these billionaires prance about at various international shindigs, posing as the great moral crusaders and saviours of our time. “Like James Bond”, Boris Johnson said yesterday, revealing just how puerile their thinking truly is.
It was Prince Charles, however, who showed once and for all, just how dangerously out of control these megalomaniacs are becoming. The Prince huffed and puffed to his fellow globalists about the urgent need to “create an environment” where global governance receives the tools and money it needs, to “TAKE THE ACTION REQUIRED”. We need to take, a ‘warlike’ approach the British Blueblood said, in order to ‘assist’ those nations who may be unable, or unwilling, to ‘get with the Great Reset program’.
It is, he said, “the only real prospect” we have, “of achieving FUNDAMENTAL ECONOMIC TRANSITION” across the globe. Anyone else seeing the nexus here between Covid, Climate Change and the ‘Great Reset’? If not, you must be fast asleep, terminally brainwashed, or both.
All this talk of global “transformations”, “resets” and “transitions” is not only very real, it is IMMANENT.
I don’t know about you – but I never signed up to any top-down revolution where a bunch of billionaire elites, and their technocratic minions, get to decide what’s best for humanity.
It’s not Covid, climate change or over-population, that frightens me – it is these morally insane plutocrats, and their relentless desire to drive humanity forward into some future Bio-state dystopia – at the point of a gun, if necessary.
We can’t say we weren’t warned. C.S. Lewis, tried nearly a century ago, when he wrote:
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some points be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. … To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on the level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

Stephen Andrew statement on Australia’s critical infrastructure assets

As I mentioned in an earlier Post, the Federal Parliament has launched an inquiry into the “extent of common ownership of Australia’s publicly listed companies” amongst a small group of institutional investors, headed by BlackRock and Vanguard. The new Inquiry will be looking into a small group of investors who control and effectively own nearly all of Australia’s biggest companies.
In the process of doing so, I hope the Committee will also look into the ownership of Australia’s unlisted infrastructure assets, many of which are tightly held by a handful of hugely powerful and wealthy foreign consortiums and private equity trusts. They are making billions out of our assets, all whilst paying no tax and enjoying highly beneficial terms from agreements with government, all of which are ‘commercial in confidence’ and therefore hidden from the public.
The potential for anti-competitive pricing and collusion around such a tiny number of global investment and super trusts owning huge stakes in our state and national assets, is almost never mentioned by our leaders and mainstream media, let alone investigated. I am talking about infrastructure like our airports, ports, electricity grids, toll roads, bridges, rail networks and tunnels.
Earlier this year, the head of ASIO delivered an address on potential threats to Australian national security, with the majority of time taken up talking about the threat of ‘domestic’ right wing groups’ and ‘online’ extremism. Not once, did Australia’s top security chief mention the potential danger of having a significant amount of the country’s critical infrastructure assets under the control and management of a tiny group of privately owned, shadowy global ‘consortiums’.
This massive concentration of Australia’s key national assets and infrastructure in just a few, largely foreign, hands, seems a bigger security concern right now, than ‘online extremism’ – especially with all this talk by the World Economic Forum of a coming Cyber Attack.
The government tells us it wants Australians to submit identification before being allowed to use social media – Well, how about it show some consistency for a change and set up a 10 point identification system requiring these private consortiums who own all our key national assets and infrastructure, to disclose exactly who their majority shareholders and ‘ultimate beneficiaries’ are?