Stephen Andrew letter to Premier says mandates threaten rights

Fear and scapegoating have always been the means with which tyrants have exercised power and control over their people. From Robespierre and his COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY during the French Revolution, it has been a trusted strategy that we have seen played out many times over the centuries. It works the same in any country, and it is working that way today in ours.
Vaccine mandates are not just discriminatory, they are profoundly dangerous. They threaten the rights and freedoms of ALL Australians, not just the unvaccinated ones. We must resist the governments and corporations who are aggressively driving this agenda. They will not rest until the well-established principle, that a ‘free person’ is one who, at the barest minimum, owns the rights to his or her own body, has been reversed – permanently. This was a cornerstone of Roman law and modern Western jurisprudence.
A mark of ownership of a master over his slave was not the ‘brand’ or ‘mark’ he was forced to bear, but rather the act of FORCING him to bear that ‘mark’. If vaccine mandates, of any kind, are allowed to stand in this State and Country, it will be ‘game over’ as far as our individual rights and freedoms are concerned. Because, despite what many would like to believe, the government has no intention of handing any of our lost freedoms back – no matter how many restrictions, mandates or ‘jabs’ we are willing to accept.
As former Lord Chief Justice, Jonathan Sumption put it last year:
“The public has not even begun to understand the seriousness of what is happening in this country, many .. perhaps most .. of them don’t care or won’t care until it’s too late”.
Folks, it’s nearly too late …
Please read my letter to the Premier of Queensland on this issue, which I believe is the most important letter I have ever written as a State Parliamentarian:
Letter to Premier
Letter to Premier
Letter to Premier
Letter to Premier

Stephen Andrew statement on medical segregation

Well it’s started, just as many predicted as far back as February 2020. Two big players in Queensland’s private sector economy, Deloitte and Suncorp, have sent emails to all their staff, telling them that from 1 January 2022, vaccination will be mandatory for ALL employees, including delivery drivers, contractors, consultants, and anyone else wishing to access their premises.
In what looks to be the State’s first two test cases for workers not directly involved in the frontline or service sectors, the two multi-national giant corporations’ announced exclusionary workplace policies this week, that will send shockwaves around the state. If allowed to stand, the decision of these two mega-wealthy companies could see medical segregation in the workplace become the norm for Queensland – permanently.
The two, one a member of the ‘Big Four’ global accountancy firms, and the other a billion-dollar bank, have told their workers, they will be banned from coming to work and from attending work events unless they can provide bosses with proof they are “fully vaccinated” – whether this will include quarterly booster shots as well is not clear.
Deloitte reportedly told workers that following discussions with other members of the “Big Four”, the policy was agreed on, although only Deloitte have announced it publicly. Deloitte also hilariously told its workers in their email, that the company remains committed to the principle of workplace “inclusion”, so at this stage, they are not planning to actually sack workers who don’t comply – just EXCLUDE them from the workplace!
This exclusion and segregation of workers from their workplaces and fellow workmates, forcing them to stay cooped up at home and alone, is truly abhorrent. Numerous studies have shown that human interaction and peer bonding are vital for people’s mental health and self-esteem, especially when it comes to young people.
The mental health bill for all these crimes being committed in the name of “public health”, will be catastrophic – far outstripping that of C***d.
Anyone who cares about the well-being of their fellow Queenslanders, and who has accounts or does business with these two companies, should let them know in no uncertain terms that policies of hate and vilification have no place in this State.
They are reprehensible and should be strongly condemned by the whole community.