New legislation introduced in Queensland, the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, will greatly enhance the government regulator’s powers for censoring doctors in Queensland.

The Bill grants APHRA new and unprecedented powers for coercively silencing doctors who stray from the officially mandated ‘narrative’ and preventing vital information ever reaching the ears of the public.

The new bill will overturn centuries of medical practice by replacing the principle that a doctor’s loyalty must, first and foremost, be to the well-being of their patient, and replacing it with a new guiding principle – upholding and safeguarding ‘public trust’ and ‘confidence’ in public health authorities.

The Explanatory Notes say the regulatory body will be free to take action against a doctor or health practitioner in any way they deem “necessary or convenient” to ‘safeguard’ public confidence and safety.

APHRA will also be able to publicly ‘name and shame’ doctors before they have been found guilty of anything.

This robs doctors of their right to the ‘presumption of innocence’, ‘natural justice’ and ‘due process’.

It also takes away their right to practice their profession without political harassment or interference.

Doctors should be free to engage in clinical debate on clinical issues to do with the effectiveness of treatment options and must be free to advise their patients honestly on any matter raised during a doctor-patient consultation.

If doctors aren’t allowed to discuss alternatives to standardised medical options with their patients, then the legal requirements for informed consent can’t be satisfied and the standard of patient-care will suffer.

If we aren’t careful, health protocols in Queensland will no longer be adopted based on experience and evidence-based medicine, but on the diktats of public health officials and regulators who have never treated a single patient in their lives.

By delegating such unlimited powers to AHPRA, the Government has virtually handed them a blank cheque to do whatever they like.

The Bill contains no clear avenues for appeal or redress for doctors unfairly targeted by AHPRA, even if subsequently cleared of wrongdoing.

It is important to note that AHPRA is an unelected, executive agency that answers to no-one.

This means that nothing they say or do is subject to questioning, verification or independent review by any jurisdiction.

APHRA must not be given the last word on what ‘truth’ in medicine is.  There must always be room for ‘dissenting’ views and debate.

Without that, we are no longer a democracy.

8 replies
  1. Peter Stafford
    Peter Stafford says:

    Simple answer resign find another job until the time the authorities are overthrown. Wouldn’t imagine it would take to long.

  2. Rose Erofeev
    Rose Erofeev says:

    Someone who can get the information should start a data base of doctors and medical professionals who are prepared to stand against the bastards, so that we can find doctors who are prepared to treat people for their conditions and not the government narrative

    • Jannean
      Jannean says:

      Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022

      Voted Against: Stephen Andrew, Katter Australian Party, Independent member for Noosa. LNP the Greens and Labor passed the bill on the 3rd reading.
      This bill has been assented through Parliament.

      Click here to watch Stephen’s speech

    • Jannean
      Jannean says:

      In 2008 the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) established a single national scheme for registered health practitioners (the National Scheme). The National Scheme’s overarching aim is to protect the public.
      Ahpra was created to administer the National Scheme and support the 15 National Boards to set standards that all registered health professionals must meet. Ahpra also:
      * manages applications for registration for the 16 registered health professions (such as doctors, nurses and most allied health practitioners)
      * hears and, where appropriate, investigates notifications about the performance, health and conduct of registered health practitioners
      * maintains a public register of health practitioners who are registered and can practise within the scope of their registration.

  3. matilda
    matilda says:

    Doctors and ALL medical staff should stop being afraid what the politicians do and start uniting and take these politicians to court for crimes against humanity and murder instead. The medical staff can easily accumulate enough evidence of patients who got these injections, and what period of time they got adverse reaction and what kind of reaction.

    There is Ample government data , (hundreds of pages full) and even Pfizers own reports , of ALL the adverse reactions which have been report and also ample data world wide to charge these politicians. They should stop being afraid of loosing their license and start REALLY SAVING LIFES and EXPOSE these evil villlians



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