SIGN THE PETITION to Keep Cash as a guaranteed payment option in Queensland


Sign the Petition here –

Yesterday’s announcement by South Burnett Regional Council that an earlier ban on cash at the Kingaroy waste facility, will now be extended to three more tips, has caused widespread outrage.

The Council is trying to ‘sell’ the policy as one solely motivated by its commitment to people’s ‘safety and security’.

They treat us like children.

By introducing these ‘go cashless’ policies in this gradual and piecemeal manner, all masked in ‘soothing’ buzzwords like ‘safety’, ‘convenience’, ‘protection’ etc, they think people won’t notice what is happening until it’s too late.

Their ultimate goal being to turn Queensland into a ‘cashless’ society by stealth.

The Courier Mail quoted one Councillor as saying: “cash poses several risks… including theft and damage from attempted break-ins.  Whilst this will not totally eliminate the risk of break-ins, it is expected to lower risks”.

Did you catch the key word in all that?


They slip it in all the time now, whenever the subject of cash is raised.

It’s all part of a deliberate strategy by banks and governments to “frame” cash as something risky, unsafe, dodgy even.

Similar ‘framing’ tactics are used to position cash as a ‘risk’ to public health – as something dirty, germ-ridden and dangerous.

The word “risk” is now regularly trotted out and used to demonise everything associated with the ‘old normal’, and cash is at the top of that list.

Allowing councils, big business, banks and other vested interest groups, to dictate public policy in this covert and sneaky manner, completely outside the normal democratic process, must not be tolerated.

Cash is legal tender.  It is also safe, private, reliable, bank charge-free and a handy back-up for when other systems fail.

Banning its use is discriminatory and will adversely impact the many groups and individuals within society who still prefer to use it.

Which is why I have put up a Parliamentary Petition calling on Government to urgently introduce legislation that guarantees people’s right to use cash in Queensland.

Click here to sign and share the Petition 


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