According to Britain’s Office of National Statistics (ONS), the official unvaccinated rate is 8 percent, a very low number.

Whether this number is accurate, however, is becoming increasingly open to question in the UK.

It started with the release of the latest UK Health Security Agency Report in July.

As one critic tweeted at the time: “the report reveals that almost 30 percent of those eligible in the UK, have not had a single dose of the vaccine.  Even if you take out those aged under 18, you still have 20 percent without a single dose.”

Now a controversial BBC2 documentary called “Unvaccinated”, hosted by mathematician Hannah Fry, is raising more eyebrows.

In the documentary, Fry refers to the fact that the BBC had commissioned the largest UK-wide representative survey, since the vaccine rollout began, for the program.

The BBC survey included 2570 people, of whom 664 said they had never been vaccinated – that’s 26 PERCENT!

The anomaly was picked up by Norman Fenton, Professor of Risk Information Management at Queen Mary London University and a Research Fellow of The Alan Turing Institute, who said that with such a large and representative survey sample: “it would be virtually impossible, by any kind of statistical analysis, for the true proportion of unvaccinated to be anything less than 20 percent”.

Fenton downloaded the survey data and examined it in detail against the “nationally representative profile” based on ONS census data.

He found that it all matched pretty closely and was therefore stunned to find the company had made a big ‘weighting’ adjustment to the “net unvaccinated” figure.

“This reduced those 664 responses to just 216” he said.

“Which is completely insane.  It doesn’t make any sense whatsoever”.

“When you scroll back, you can see that all the counts are adjusted based on that weighted difference, changing the percentage from 26 to 8 percent.”

“It’s pretty safe to conclude that the ONS claim of 8 percent massively underestimates the actual number, and the true rate is probably at least 20 percent” he said.

Why does it matter?

It matters because all of the “safety and efficacy” studies were carried out on the presumption that the official ONS figure was accurate.

If ONS has massively overestimated the “vaccinated” rate, he said, then all those “safety and efficacy” studies were done on flawed data.

It would also mean that the “fatality rate” for the “unvaccinated” compared to “vaccinated”, has also been massively overestimated.

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