vax passport

Stephen Andrew MP for Mirani has provided a pathway to opt out of the vax passport The Commonwealth Government’s Vaccine Certificate system relies on information sharing agreements between the Commonwealth and the States. Because the Australian Immunisation Register is run by the Commonwealth, the sharing of data is essential for States to receive updates on […]

rule of law

The President of the Queensland Law Society (QLS), Elizabeth Shearer, has called on the Queensland Government to “reinstate checks and balances” and begin the process of restoring“ Rule of Law” in Queensland. Appearing before the ECG Committee last week, in relation to the further extension of emergency powers in Queensland, Ms Shearer said people’s fundamental […]

freedom march

Stephen Andrew statement on Freedom Marches “FILTHY, DISGUSTING & SELFISH” – HOW AUSTRALIA’S ELITES RESPONDED TO YESTERDAY’S MASS FREEDOM MARCHES On Saturday, hundreds of thousands of people sick to death of the border closures, harsh social restrictions, draconian lockdowns, and home confinement, took to the streets of our major cities, chanting “Freedom!” The freedom marches […]

sedation for vaccine

Stephen Andrew statement on sedation for vaccine Why is the government talking about sedation for vaccine in connection with people with a disability? The Commonwealth Advisory Committee on the “Health Emergency Response to Coronavirus for People with Disability” have released the ‘Key Outcomes’ from their meeting on 14 July 2021. Right at the bottom, I […]

COVID app consent

Stephen Andrew – statement on Queensland’s COVID app Here is some important information regarding the COVID-19 Check In Qld App The use of COVID-19 Check In Qld App is NOT MANDATORY for people entering business and or conducting business transactions. It is not compulsory for an individual to physically write their contact details on paper […]

cash for influence

Stephen Andrew statement on cash for influence Here’s what the media won’t tell you about cash for influence. Today, thousands of wealthy Billionaires, Foundations, NGO lobby groups and Think Tanks are forming highly unethical financial “partnerships” with many of our most “trusted” news outlets. None more so than the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Through […]

environment questions

Stephen Andrew, MP for Mirani, has prepared the following environment questions for estimates at the Queensland Parliament: 1. In regard to new regulations administered by the Minister’s department requiring cane farmers and other farmers to carry out agricultural ERAs, will the Minister advise: (a) when the regulation commenced; (b) the maximum penalties that apply to […]

CSIRO links with Wuhan

The CSIRO is now “correcting the record” on Australia’s ties to Wuhan’s Institute of Virology. Stephen Andrew asks what else are we not being told? “It is astonishing that until recently, nobody at the CSIRO or Government thought it worth mentioning that, like Canada and the US, Australia also had many close ties to the […]

mandatory vaccination

Stephen Andrew statement on the public’s rejection of mandatory vaccination: A Petition to Australia’s House of Representatives against Mandatory Vaccination, closed last night after receiving hundreds of thousands of signatures from ordinary people all over the country. The Petition, which closed at 11.59pm, achieved a staggering total of 309,831 signatures. An extraordinary result for a […]

Stakeholder capitalism

Stephen Andrew on Stakeholder Capitalism: “Stakeholder capitalism” is not a phrase I had ever heard of before 2020 but now seem to hear everywhere I go. The best way to understand what it means, is to think of a company as it was once understood, where the CEO and company managers are regarded as answerable […]