taking a stand

Stephen Andrew statement on Victorian MP taking a stand Victoria became the first Australian state to ban unvaccinated MPs from entering Parliament last week. The government’s motion ordered all members and staff to prove they have received at least one dose of a vaccine by 15 October, or have an appointment booked before October 22. […]

Medical apartheid

Stephen Andrew statement on medical apartheid Premier Palaszczuk said today that the government would be offering incentives (bribes) to businesses in Queensland, aimed at getting them to exclude “the unvaccinated” from their shops and offices. For morally bankrupt statements from a State Premier, that one takes some beating. The planned “re-opening” of Queensland on 17 […]

Segregation in Queensland

Stephen Andrew statement on Segregation in Queensland Those who believe that the “segregation” of legally designated outgroups in Australia, could NEVER happen, clearly know nothing of history. Because it already has – on a number of occasions in fact. Australian South Sea Islanders were subjected to great suffering, hardship and adversity for most of the […]

Peter Costello

Stephen Andrew statement on The Curious Case of Peter Costello The role that ‘conflicts of interest’ can play in government decision-making is rarely discussed and increasingly difficult to detect. It usually involves cozy, mutually beneficial ‘quid pro quo’ relationships between high-level bureaucrats, politicians, foundations, media and wealthy vested interests in the corporate sector. Today, those […]

Letter to the Premier

Stephen Andrew letter to Premier says mandates threaten rights Fear and scapegoating have always been the means with which tyrants have exercised power and control over their people. From Robespierre and his COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC SAFETY during the French Revolution, it has been a trusted strategy that we have seen played out many times over […]

medical segregation

Stephen Andrew statement on medical segregation Well it’s started, just as many predicted as far back as February 2020. Two big players in Queensland’s private sector economy, Deloitte and Suncorp, have sent emails to all their staff, telling them that from 1 January 2022, vaccination will be mandatory for ALL employees, including delivery drivers, contractors, […]

police sackings

Stephen Andrew statement on police sackings 1200 Queensland Police Officers have been suspended with a measly 7 days’ pay for refusing to comply with Chief Health Officer Young’s Order that they be jabbed. Out of 12,000 police officers and 5000 support staff, a staggering 33% of the force said ‘We do not consent’. That means […]

Great Shipping Reset

Stephen Andrew statement on IMO 2020 and the Great Shipping Reset In California, there are now a record-breaking 65 cargo ships anchored off the state’s two biggest ports, awaiting entry. Many have been there for weeks. Similar scenes are being played out at key ports around the world as the global supply chain slowly disintegrates. […]

zero freedom

Steven Andrew statement on Zero Freedom ‘Zero COVID’ equals ‘zero freedom” for the unvaccinated. From October 11, the “unvaccinated” will be jailed if they try to enter venues in New South Wales. The NSW Premier announced earlier this week, (thankfully she has now stepped down) that a new Public Health order will come into effect […]

No Jab, No Job

Stephen Andrew statement on challenge to No Jab, No Job mandate Two cases were heard in the Queensland Supreme Court this week, which have been lodged on behalf of the State’s unvaccinated frontline workers. Queensland Police and healthcare workers, under direct threat of losing their jobs and livelihoods, are alleging “improper exercise of power” by […]